[Moved] pic programming for G540 and pic16f628a

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Newbie level 5
Mar 8, 2011
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i don''t have any knowledge about pic programming. but i want to learn it. i buy one of the programmer G540 and pic 16f528a chip. now i want to program this chip. i download two thee of Hex file written
for this pic16f628a chip.i loaded this one of file to the chip then coming error message like this. "'NON CONFIGARATION WORD IN THE HEX FILE. PLEASE SET AFTER LOADING''
please help me to solve this problem


The Configuration Word is basic information about how the program code will use the Pic chip.

It is often written into the .hex code but it seems your hex files do not contain the Config details; so you have to manual enter them via the G540 programmers software

You will have to go back to the site you obtained the code from and see if they list the Config codes anywhere.

If you want to give the details of your program files and links to the sites you got the code from we might be able to help more.
i want more detail please give me advice


Your G540 software will have a screen where you can manually add in the Configurations parameters, either as a hex value like 0x2F4A or by selecting dropdown options; something like the screen shot below.

However what those parameters should be set to is dependent on the project you are making; without any links to the original project and source code its impossible to say what those values should be as they can vary significantly between projects and chips.


  • 000067.jpg
    60.9 KB · Views: 103

View attachment 24 LED CHASER - SCHEMATIC.pdf sample led file


Thats just a hardware schematic, you really need to post a link to were you downloaded the software from / details of the original project which hopefully will have the config details.

However from seeing that diagram you could try the following values via your programmer.


or as a hex value 0x3D30


  • 000068.jpg
    40.1 KB · Views: 104
The Genius G540 programmer does not load the configuration information from the Hex file. You have to load it manually using the encrypt button.
please make me ASM file for pic16f628a. i need how the start with the configuration setting. i have no idea how to do this

please make me ASM file for pic16f628a. i need how the start with the configuration setting. i have no idea how to do this

I have never seen or used the G540, but seems its a regular problem with that programmer, see this thread.

The bit of code below shows how config is normally used in ASM

	list P=16F628a
	#include p16f628a.inc


	org	0
	goto	SETUP


	clrf	PORTB		; outputs low
	clrf	PORTA		
	banksel	TRISB		; select bank1
	clrf	TRISB		; make output
	banksel 0
	bsf	PORTB,0		; turn on rb0

still genius g540 problem

still i had the problem
i attach one of the file please advice me how burn this file into the pic 16f628a using genius G540


  • 144_LED_V2.zip
    61.6 KB · Views: 94

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