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[Moved] mikroC pic micro controller programming help

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Aug 10, 2011
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I got the following code from net,
i dont know how to send the data to control the motor
kindly someone help

//'16F628A Program to Control 6 - 50Hz Servos @ 16 Positions Each With USART Updates
//'           Code compiled with mikroC 8.2 and tested on 16F628A @ 8MHz external clock
//'           original code written By Warren Schroeder  June 5, 2008
//'           Each USART RX Byte:
//'              Servo ID        = Upper 4 bits  (0 to 5)   6 Servos
//'              Servo Position  = Lower 4 bits  (0 to 15)   16 Positions
//'   HITECH-HS422 50Hz Servo: 940us to 2140us for min and max servo rotation
//'                            16 positions (940us= Position#0 + (15 x 80us))
//'                            Position#7 = 1500us Center
//'       Timer1 Setup for 1us ticks  (Prescaler=2)
//'       CCP1 is set up for Special Event Compare Mode
//'       On Compare-Match between TIMER1 and CCPR1L:CCPR1H registers
//'       CCP1IF is Set (=1) and TIMER1 is RESET (=0)

#define Servo0  PORTA.f0
#define Servo1  PORTA.f1
#define Servo2  PORTA.f2
#define Servo3  PORTA.f3
#define Servo4  PORTA.f6
#define Servo5  PORTB.f7
#define Servo   PORTA.f4             // not in use but works as dummy servo
unsigned int register volatile
  CCPR1          absolute 0x0015               ;
unsigned short AllOn                       ;
unsigned short frame80                     ;
unsigned short t0                          ;
unsigned short t1                          ;
unsigned short t2                          ;
unsigned short ServoPos[12]                ;  //  6 Servo Position Array from RX
unsigned short ServoWrk[12]                ;  //  6 Servo Position Work Array
unsigned int counting = 0;

void interrupt() {
 //unsigned int CCPR1;

    if (AllOn) {                              //  If AllOn flag=true then
           PORTA = 255;                     //WAS 19
           PORTB = 255;                   ;  //  All PORTB servos ON
           AllOn = ~AllOn                  ;  //  reset AllOn flag
           frame80 = 0                     ;  //  80us frame counter
           CCPR1 = 940                     ;  //  940us = 0 position
           for (t2=0;t2<12;t2++) {            //  load work array from USART RX array
              ServoWrk[t2] = ServoPos[t2  ];  //
    }                                         //
    else {                                    //
           CCPR1 = 80                      ;  //  80us frame delay (x 15 total = 1200us)
           FSR = (unsigned short)&ServoWrk ;  //  servo pointer.. point to first servo pos
           if (INDF == 0) Servo0  = 0      ;  //  turn servo OFF on 0
           INDF--                          ;  //  decrement position counter
           FSR++                           ;  //  point to next servo
           if (INDF == 0) Servo1  = 0      ;  //  turn servo OFF on 0
           INDF--                          ;  //  decrement position counter
           FSR++                           ;  //  point to next servo
           if (INDF == 0) Servo2  = 0      ;  //  turn servo OFF on 0
           INDF--                          ;  //  decrement position counter
           FSR++                           ;  //  point to next servo
           if (INDF == 0) Servo3  = 0      ;  //  turn servo OFF on 0
           INDF--                          ;  //  decrement position counter
           FSR++                           ;  //  point to next servo
           if (INDF == 0) Servo4  = 0      ;  //  turn servo OFF on 0
           INDF--                          ;  //  decrement position counter
           FSR++                           ;  //  point to next servo
           if (INDF == 0) Servo5  = 0      ;  //  turn servo OFF on 0
           INDF--                          ;
           FSR++                           ;  //  point to dummy servo
           if (INDF == 0) Servo  = 0      ;  //  turn servo OFF on 0
           INDF--                          ;
           FSR++                           ;  //  point to dummy servo
           if (INDF == 0) Servo  = 0      ;  //  turn servo OFF on 0
           INDF--                          ;
           FSR++                           ;  //  point to dummy servo
           if (INDF == 0) Servo  = 0      ;  //  turn servo OFF on 0
           INDF--                          ;
           FSR++                           ;  //  point to dummy servo
           if (INDF == 0) Servo  = 0      ;  //  turn servo OFF on 0
           INDF--                          ;
           FSR++                           ;  //  point to dummy servo
           if (INDF == 0) Servo  = 0      ;  //  turn servo OFF on 0
           INDF--                          ;
           FSR++                           ;  //  point to dummy servo
           if (INDF == 0) Servo  = 0      ;  //  turn servo OFF on 0
           INDF--   ;

           if (++frame80 == 16) {             //  finished 15 80us position periods?
               CCPR1 = 17900               ;  //  load remaining time for 20ms interrupt
               AllOn = ~AllOn              ;  //  turn ON all servos at next 20ms interrupt
    PIR1.CCP1IF = 0                        ;  //  clear CCP1 interrupt flag
void CCP1_Setup() {
    CCP1CON      = 11         ;  //  CCP1 Compare MODE with special event trigger; resets Timer1 on match
    CCPR1        = 65000      ;  //  preload for 65ms delay before servo startup
    T1CON        = 16         ;  //  Timer1 Prescaler = 2 = 1us ticks
    PIE1.CCP1IE  = 1          ;  //  Enable CCP1 interrupt
    PIR1.CCP1IF  = 0          ;  //  Clear CCP1 Interrupt Flag
    INTCON       = 192        ;  //  Global & Peripheral interrupts enabled
    T1CON.TMR1ON = 1          ;  //  Start Timer1...
void main() {
   VRCON = 0;
   CMCON = 7;
   TRISA = 0;
   PORTA   = 0               ;
   TRISB   = 0               ;
   AllOn   = 255           ;   //  all servos ON flag
    USART_INIT(9600)                 ;
    CCP1_Setup()                      ;
          for (t0=0;t0<12;t0++) {         //  pre-load servo array with some values
             ServoPos[t0] = t0        ;  //
      while(1) {
       asm CLRWDT;
       if (USART_DATA_READY) {           // test for RX byte
          t0 = USART_READ()            ; // save new RX byte
          t1 = t0 >> 4                 ; // extract servo ID from RX byte
          ServoPos[t1] =  t0 & 15      ; // save Position Value per ID

Re: mikroC pic micro controller programming help

All depends what you want to do.

Also check attachment file.

Best regards,



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Re: mikroC pic micro controller programming help

just i want a motor to turn a certain degree using this code from uart
i want to know the format of the data
i can improve from there on

i didnt get an idea in this code

Re: mikroC pic micro controller programming help

Good day
i think you should consider the comments for the format :
//' Each USART RX Byte:
//' Servo ID = Upper 4 bits (0 to 5) 6 Servos
//' Servo Position = Lower 4 bits (0 to 15) 16 Positions
so i guess , third servo and fifth position , the RX byte should be 00110101
give it a thought
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Re: mikroC pic micro controller programming help

it didnt moved in proteus
i will check in real hardware

i think the code was originally for 12 servos , all those dummies are not for nothing

did it work in real hardware ?

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