Motorola - G24 GSM/GPRS Module

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Advanced Member level 1
Feb 27, 2002
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motorola g24 price

Hi brothers!
I found some documents about G24 Module in:
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And I like know if anyone here use G20 or G24 motorola modules, I have few questions...about tcp sockets...anyone can help-me?


motorola g24

I can't recoqnize Language used on you mentioned site, please take a look at g24 GSM/GPRS Module, Quad Band
This module has Embedded TCP/IP and UDP/IP protocol stack, I think there are no problem with TCP/IP socket

This reference manual very helpful for this module: [PDF] Motorola G24 Developers Guide: AT Commands Reference Manual

g24 module

gorkin said:
Hi brothers!
I found some documents about G24 Module in:
**broken link removed**

And I like know if anyone here use G20 or G24 motorola modules, I have few questions...about tcp sockets...anyone can help-me?

Do you have hardware manual for G24 in english? Or where I can download it?
Thank you
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motorola g24 pdf

:arrow:**broken link removed**
:arrow:**broken link removed**:arrow:
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g24 data module

All information for download are in english!
If You have trouble with portuguese language, use google or altavista translators... In the address mentioned earlier, have all information like integrators manual, at command set, schematic of reference design kit, etc...

Maybe usefull for anyone work with this module!

motorola g-24

Hello Gorkin

I'm working on an AVL design best on the G24 - contact me offline if you need help

All the best


motorola g24 schematic

bobcat1 said:
Hello Gorkin

I'm working on an AVL design best on the G24 - contact me offline if you need help

All the best


Hi, I have bought a G24 Module + 'board interface to RS232(DB9)' an it was working fine with Hyperterminal, but now its doesn´t response anymore. So I asked you, about other pc program to test g24 or how do I know if its burned?

An auxiliar data its that when its was working it produce an uniform sound like a cooler and now it produce a random sound.

Thanks for your time


g24 module price

Hello my brother!

For evaluate communication, try the GPRS MANAGER software in:
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If have other problems, post here! Thats all!
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g24 gprs

We have 6000 units of Motorola g24 GSM Module available. These are new, and considered excess inventory. Therefore, they are price negotiable. Please contact me if you have any interest in these units. e-mail:, telephone: 01+603-501-4427. Regards.

motorola modules


I would like to send and receive serial datas ( RS232 : 19600/8/N/1) with G24 modem.

Has someone already done that ?
Do i need to built a board with a SIM connector ?

Any help will be much appreciated.

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