Modify and build aruino library again

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Arya Kumar

Member level 4
Aug 25, 2013
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I have an arduino and i wanted to interface IR sensor with it.
i got this library in GITHUB

i want to make some changes and recompile the library for arduino,
I dont know how to open the project and compile.
Arduino IDE opens only INO and .pde files.

Please help,
I did good google search but i am not getting it.

The library will have .h and .cpp files. Open it in notepad and copy its contents and paste the code in a blank Arduino IDE sketch file. Edit it and save it.

OK u mean copy all content from .h and .cpp and paste it in arduio.
and also click on new tab..give the file name and keep saving all depenent files.
And how to build it cos all files are linked to each other.

I am still not clear, If u have link.. or need more info...anyway i am trying my own

Copying and pasting the contents of .cpp and .h files into Arduino IDE I only mentioned if you want to edit the library. After editing and saving (file extension should not be changed) the library folder has to be put inside Arduino's library folder. Then you open the sketch which uses that library and then compile. The folder used for library should not have spaces or special characters in its folder name.
Okada thanks for ur info.
I found a better way, i am using eclipse for arduino and there i can directly open the libaray in c++ and can compile.
thanks Okada

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