modelsim error during RTL simulation

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Member level 3
Jul 19, 2017
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hi all,

I'm getting an error while doing RTL simulation on quartus, the comments are pasted below
# Reading C:/intelFPGA/17.0/modelsim_ase/tcl/vsim/pref.tcl
# do
# if {[file exists rtl_work]} {
# 	vdel -lib rtl_work -all
# }
# vlib rtl_work
# vmap work rtl_work
# Model Technology ModelSim - Intel FPGA Edition vmap 10.5b Lib Mapping Utility 2016.10 Oct  5 2016
# vmap work rtl_work 
# Copying C:/intelFPGA/17.0/modelsim_ase/win32aloem/../modelsim.ini to modelsim.ini
# Modifying modelsim.ini
# vcom -87 -work work {C:/intelFPGA/17.0/signaltptutorial/po.vhd}
# Model Technology ModelSim - Intel FPGA Edition vcom 10.5b Compiler 2016.10 Oct  5 2016
# Start time: 19:34:43 on Nov 30,2017
# vcom -reportprogress 300 -87 -work work C:/intelFPGA/17.0/signaltptutorial/po.vhd 
# -- Loading package STANDARD
# -- Loading package TEXTIO
# -- Loading package std_logic_1164
# -- Compiling entity po
# -- Compiling architecture bhav of po
# End time: 19:34:43 on Nov 30,2017, Elapsed time: 0:00:00
# Errors: 0, Warnings: 0
# vcom -87 -work work {C:/intelFPGA/17.0/signaltptutorial/simulation/modelsim/testebecnh.vhd}
# Model Technology ModelSim - Intel FPGA Edition vcom 10.5b Compiler 2016.10 Oct  5 2016
# Start time: 19:34:43 on Nov 30,2017
# vcom -reportprogress 300 -87 -work work C:/intelFPGA/17.0/signaltptutorial/simulation/modelsim/testebecnh.vhd 
# -- Loading package STANDARD
# -- Loading package TEXTIO
# -- Loading package std_logic_1164
# -- Loading package std_logic_textio
# -- Loading package std_logic_arith
# -- Loading package STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED
# -- Compiling entity testebecnh
# -- Compiling architecture testebecnh_arch of testebecnh
# End time: 19:34:43 on Nov 30,2017, Elapsed time: 0:00:00
# Errors: 0, Warnings: 0
# vsim -t 1ps -L altera -L lpm -L sgate -L altera_mf -L altera_lnsim -L fiftyfivenm -L rtl_work -L work -voptargs="+acc"  tb
# vsim -t 1ps -L altera -L lpm -L sgate -L altera_mf -L altera_lnsim -L fiftyfivenm -L rtl_work -L work -voptargs=""+acc"" tb 
# Start time: 19:34:44 on Nov 30,2017
# ** Error: (vsim-3170) Could not find 'tb'.
#         Searched libraries:
#             C:/intelFPGA/17.0/modelsim_ase/altera/vhdl/altera
#             C:/intelFPGA/17.0/modelsim_ase/altera/vhdl/220model
#             C:/intelFPGA/17.0/modelsim_ase/altera/vhdl/sgate
#             C:/intelFPGA/17.0/modelsim_ase/altera/vhdl/altera_mf
#             C:/intelFPGA/17.0/modelsim_ase/altera/vhdl/altera_lnsim
#             C:/intelFPGA/17.0/modelsim_ase/altera/vhdl/fiftyfivenm
#             C:/intelFPGA/17.0/signaltptutorial/simulation/modelsim/rtl_work
#             C:/intelFPGA/17.0/signaltptutorial/simulation/modelsim/rtl_work
# Error loading design
# Error: Error loading design
#        Pausing macro execution
# MACRO ./ PAUSED at line 12

Please anyone help me.
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First tell us, what comes to your mind when you see the error message "** Error: (vsim-3170) Could not find 'tb'."

Did you write this script yourself?

Any please use "Code tags" when posting any type of code, be it RTL or some script (if I am not mistaken you are not posting for the 1st time in this forum).

As in the description, Modelsim could not find the tb module

just open 'testebecnh.vhd' and see if you have a "tb" in there. my guess it is called something else. this is debugging 101, I am sure your class/instructor has covered this.

just open 'testebecnh.vhd' and see if you have a "tb" in there. my guess it is called something else. this is debugging 101, I am sure your class/instructor has covered this.

I am not able to debug the issue. what you mean by tb in testbecnh.vhd?

You should read a vhdl tutorial then if you don't know what entity you have in your testbench file.

You should read a vhdl tutorial then if you don't know what entity you have in your testbench file.

I got the solution, the test bench entity name was incorrect in compile test bench.

everyone was once a beginner....

I got the solution, the test bench entity name was incorrect in compile test bench.

probably, but testebecnh.vhd clearly exists as a file as otherwise there would have been an error.
I guess the correct file actually has an entity called tb inside it. And testebecnh did not.

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