MMSIM installation in Cadence?

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Advanced Member level 4
Oct 28, 2006
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Hi all,

Installed the IC61 package and MMSIM packages in two different paths, I added both paths to the PATH. While I am typing icfb& the package is running but there is no MMSIM inside.

I wonder if anybody can show me how to run both packages together. I think I should somehow connect both packages together because when I check the license for packages the MMSIM package (I hae them in my license file) are not presented there. How can I have both of them together. how should I install them, in which seqence?


cadence mmsim

Should I write the MMSIM or IC first in the PATH

mmsim install

Define setenv MMSIM_HOME=<path the root of mmsim> in .bashrc file or whatever you use..
Don't forget to crate a link for MMSIM such as
ln -s tools.lnx86 tools in your root dir of mmsim.

mmsim 7.1 license

The environmental variables needed by cadence are
MMSIM_PATH, which should point to the bin directory

setenv MMSIM_PATH = /opt/MMSIM61/tools/bin

and MMSIMHOME which should point in the top level path

setenv MMSIMHOME = /opt/MMSIM61

As BigBoss mentioned you need the link from tools.x86 or tools.sun4v to tools

cd /opt/MMSIM61
ln -s tools.x86 tools

Also you need to add your MMSIM bin path to the PATH variable

setenv PATH /opt/MMSIM61/tools/bin:$PATH

in case you are using the bash shell all the setenv commands should be substituted by an export commad

export VARIABLE=VALUE (note there is an = )

try to verify yhat your spectre is working, try spectre -v or even better try to verify your installation through installscape.

mmsim cadence

In the PATN environment variable, put MMSIM before the IC.

mmsim license

set setenv MMSIM_HOME=<path the root of mmsim> in .bashrc file

what is mmsim

I need to use the MMSIM6.2 too.
can you upload it

installation of mmsim

Hello guys....

I'm using cadence ic610 on Centos 5. I need to install MMSIM61 to have Spectre simulator working, but when i try to install it, installscape display the following message:

Previously installed products are pre-checked. If you used an InstallScape Control File, the products listed in it are also pre-checked.

There's no Control file missing, i only receive the license. Does anyone knows how to fix this? What's the correct procedure to install MMSIM61?

best regards.....

cadence mmsim

Just ignore this message and install all tools in MMSIM package.

spectre mmsim

In my IC5141 spestre is running without problem. But when I tried MMSIM6.2 it starts and then is waiting for license. Do I need a separated license that is different from Spectre. I mean MMSIM6.2 and Spectre are different features.

mmsim 71

Trying to start simulation from ADE L (IC6.1) I met the following:

The 'spectre' executable that you are using is older version. use MMSIM60 or later of Spectre with this release to check the spectre version, run 'spectre -W'


spectre -W replies me :

spectre release


How can solve this problem?

the spectre is an older version use mmsim6

In addition...

Today I tried to start spectre standalone.
It works fine.

mmsim version

I'm running Cadence ICv5.1.41USR5 in centOS.
I need to simulate with spectre from MMSIM, but ADE always chooses spectre from cds/IC.
I have configured the environment variables as described in this forum (mmsim path appears before IC path in bashrc) but still, spectre runs from IC. Do you know what can I be possibly doing wrong?
Thank you.


hi monica,

please start spectre -v or -h in a terminal to get the version number of the used spectre. If it is the MMSIM-version, ADE will also use it. If it is not the MMSIM-version your path settings are not correct.


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