missing items in microchip Power meter application note

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Nov 9, 2010
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I follow the application note 51723a here:

and this to implement the 3 phase power meter that is described in the application note, but I have some difficulties.
in the BOM, nearly all components are mentioned with their part numbers. I could reach the supplier of all parts , but there are some parts which I could not find any supplier for them (I think that these part are outdated or obsolete). The missing
parts are:

1- 3P AC-DC converter, 220V – 12V/5V [Manufacturer : Sanki - part number : DB-12CY220]

2- FERRITE SMT [Manufacturer : luying
- part number : STBL2012-121]

3- 60ohm bead [Manufacturer : Jones - part number : B60]

I could not find these part numbers and I could not find any alternatives for them. could anyone please tell me where these 4 missing parts can be gotten (or any alternatives part numbers). Actually the most important parts for me are the Ferrite SMT and the 60ohm bead, I really need any alternatives for them.


schem and BOM are on pages 64 to 77 of your above..[please give the Part designators so we can see what they are (eg"L2" etc)

schem and BOM are on pages 64 to 77 of your above..[please give the Part designators so we can see what they are (eg"L2" etc)

yes, sure.

the missing ferrite smt are FB1, FB2, FB3 in the BOM and schematic.

the missing 60ohm beads L301, L302

the missing 3P AC-DC converter is T1

FB1 FB2 FB3 L301 L302 are components that could be missed out......but just choose any ferrite bead to replace them, anything that can handle the current in them, and not drop too much voltage in passing the current.

- - - Updated - - -

TI T2 and T3 are all the same part...the bom is weird.
they are all current sense transformers....
I cannot understand why you need a 3 phase power supply to make a 3 phase power meter, surely all you need is the incoming three phase.?
Maybe you attach your incoming three phase to the 3 phase power supply, and then selectively load the 3 ph power supply so as to test the meter works.
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actually, you are right, the BOM is weird. I asked about some missing things in it in microchip site, but sadly they do not answer.

the objective of 3 phase power supply is that the meter keeps working even if only 1 phase exists.

What is the objective of ferrite smt and the 60 ohm bead ? they are like filters?

yes its filtering for the beads......designers just lob them in as a kind of quick fix thing.....they have a certain impedance quoted at a certain frequency.
When consultancies design circuits for you, they always insist that they've exactly calculated the value of the ferrite beads, but its lies, they just throw them in like currents in a cake....but they tell you its exactly calculated and charge you a fortune for doing it.
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The beads are for EMI purposes. Not extremely critical for the actual circuit operation

Select a similar one from the Fair-rite website that fits the board layout.
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