Microcontroller Programming Tutorials for Newbie

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forum mikrokontroler bahasa indonesia

u provided d best tutorial site i hav ever seen...

Added after 1 hours 16 minutes:

**broken link removed**

good site for newbies

tutorial on microcontrollers

amolbook said:
Added after 1 hours 16 minutes:

**broken link removed**

good site for newbies

this is really a good site....its worth surfing.......

usb programming tutorial

Where can I find the tutorials sites especially for PIC16F877A???

programming the microcontroller tutorial

I think bascom is good languge for new people...

8052 datasheet indonesia

hey guys...i need sme quick help regarding simple AT89C51 Projects for newbies....need 2 submit my proposal for a simple u-controller based project till upcomin wednesday& dnt've any idea whr 2 find a simple project.i chekd 8051projects.net,8051projects.info....but couldnt find a simplest one..currently i m referring 2 MAZIDI'S 8051 u-controller book....plz help me...thnks...

excellent microcontroller programming tutorial

are you indonesian? if you need tutorial in bahasa Indonesia, you can visit **broken link removed**

learning microcontroller programming

it amazes me when people say they are proficient in C and want to learn assembly. But for me i knew what microntrollers are with assembly & manufacturers datasheets. Now, i want to learn Cto program microcontroller especially PIC. I have tried but get too many confusion cos mplab c 18 is different from ccs and so on. i had tried using Hitech pcclite. i just want to learn something standard. please, advice me and suggest any textbook that will help me.

microcontroller programming tutorial downloads

In this site **broken link removed** , you will find a basic tutorial for mcs51 family

microcontroller programming bangladesh

A good book for AVR Microcontroller

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best-microcontroller-projects.com opinion

Sibtain said:
helllo people i would suggest you go for mazidi's book on micro-controllers thats really great . you wont need any tutorial
100% right, i agree with you.

st microcontroller programming tutorial

I am newbie in uC environment. pls anyone help me, how I devolop basic idea about micro controller, diff between PIC, AVR, AT89C51 etc..., how I choose it for my project. In this thread so many tutorials , pls specify which is most beginner for me.

learn microcontroller programming

Before deciding on what microcontroller to use itz better to know the basic architecture of the microcontroller, itz resources and the requirements for your application.Then looking at the data sheets of each of manufacturers you can decide by userself which microcontroller to use for the application.I think this will be the best way to go at it.

For a begineer www.8052.com is the best and try to get a copy of latest version of MAZIDI.

avr microcontroller programing

any , beginner, i feel, should aim at modern Micro controllers/ Mazidi may be good but he should start at least at AVR chps like AT MEGa etc
and this basic start with 8051 saturates them there itself.
Later on he can also work with 89S52 with 10 minute study of the datasheet and Instruction set.

I am reminded of persons who start with page 1 of text book and sleep before end of that page-- next day same thing repeats.

These Youth should better change the point of start.


best-microcontroller-projects.com forum

sci-3d said:
I found very nice Microcontroller Programming tutorials here:

**broken link removed**


yup,nothing in here

just people ask for help

no answer

Added after 11 minutes:

Sayem Ahmed said:
Here a good tutorial for PIC users.


thank a lot for this link

very easy and complit

usb programming tut

toyib said:
ineed any sites about mcs51 family???

thanks for answer

check my site http://shree-electronics.com/
check microcontroller section, I have uploaded some interfacing tutorials.

Added after 8 minutes:

I agree,
But sample codes and tutorials helps in improving a newbie's confidence, i.e. in case his or hers first circuit didn't work one can easily verify using sample codes, and when it works they will be inspired to learn..

This is from my experience while learning microcontrollers, just an opinion..

microcontroller programs tutorial

Indeed a very informative thread.
Thank you all for sharing these great resources. I have bookmarked this thread.

8051 programming tutorial for beginners

i need help.. doing ADC n PWM to dim the LED.. anyone?

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