Method for laser beam detection in my project

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Newbie level 1
May 25, 2010
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Hi ppl,

I am currently doing a project with robots. My robot will have a laser pointer attaced to it! I need 3 1.5v cell to powe it and a circuit to monitor the power of the battery! My robot will nagivate itself and shoot laser beam to a lsaer detection circuit fixed a distance away from my robot.Everytime the laser detection circuit detects a laser beam hitting it(robot shoot the target) the laser detection circuit is to have a counter to count the number of times the target is shot. The counting has to be displayed in a 7 segment display!

am looking forward to ur reply!!

Re: laser beam detection

What is your question?

Re: laser beam detection

fcfusion said:
What is your question?
He is asking for a method to detect a laser beam.

I think you can use a photodiode (for example from an old mouse), but i'm not sure this is the best option, is the cheapest for sure.


laser beam detection

I must admit I couldn't find an actual question in the original post!

If indeed the question is 'how to detect a laser' then yes, a photodiode is needed (or phototransistor). What else you do depends on other things such as ambient light levels, how certain you want to be that only the laser triggers it. You could select by wavelength with a narrow band optical filter, but they are expensive. You could modulated the laser and bandpass filter the received signal.


Get yourself some standard solar cells and some black mailing tubes (painted toilet paper roll?). When your robot's laser pointer hits a solar cell it generates a few millivolts enough to trigger and counter circuit. You could just use a PC and it's built in ADC circuit (soundcard or mouse port?) and a program to count the hits.

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