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[SOLVED] metal detector schematic disponible

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metal detector schematics

I have stored 2 kind of metal detector based on microcontroller. I build both and i am sur it is good. Have a look at filemanager: Neron/metal_detector.
If someone have other schematics i am interrest.

metal detector schematic

hi all

here is a good design

for a multicpu multicoil multiband scanning metal detector

uses a hardware scope to target and has audio

no code avalible so is for development

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metal detector dsn

Thanks the borg for your send. But i have a little probleme to read the file metal.dsn you sent. Could you help me ?



metal detector with lcd display schematic


to view { and alter etc}
the dsn above

install proteus vsm

but for now
here is a windows metafile
{will open direct with most versions windows or photshop or paint shop pro etc}

in an archive to save space as it was 1 mb or so

now a few hundered k

so download unpack and view

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to view { and alter etc}
the dsn above

install proteus vsm

but for now
here is a windows metafile
{will open direct with most versions windows or photshop or paint shop pro etc}

in an archive to save space as it was 1 mb or so

now a few hundered k

so download unpack and view

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stuart pi 16c84 metal detector

Ok thanks a lot the borg. I had a look to the schematic. It is a quite complex schematic. I was wondering if the 2 schematics oscilloscope represent the emitter and receiver coils ?
If yes, is it possible to have their caractéristics.
I was also wondering why is there two lcd display ?
And the last question (but i think you have already answer) is there a possibility to obtain the source code for the microcontroller?

I know, there are a lot of questions.
metal detector shematic

Ok thanks a lot the borg. I had a look to the schematic. It is a quite complex schematic. I was wondering if the 2 schematics oscilloscope represent the emitter and receiver coils ?
If yes, is it possible to have their caractéristics.
I was also wondering why is there two lcd display ?
And the last question (but i think you have already answer) is there a possibility to obtain the source code for the microcontroller?

I know, there are a lot of questions.


    Points: 2
    Helpful Answer Positive Rating
metal detector schema

to anyone with an interest

here are the coils dimetion and a picture
here is the coil calc i used

the dimentions are this

center coil 44T .51 7 cm sides equal sided triangle

second coil out is
round 10 cm dia 33 T .71

is triangle equal sides so 25 T .51 mm

fourth is round

22cm dia 27T .71mm

so all coils are around 1.11111 henry

using 1 as the relative permabilitie of copper

but i think the coils arent so crytical
1}becouse a pi detector isnt a resonace coils

for rf

2} as the timming is full adjustable for all coils drive

so the same timmings as a gold pic or pic84 stuart design

but with space for coils to run like
1 2 3 4 or 2341 or just on one coil {best one for gold etc}

and also the lcd should give accurate readout of ground effect zero and metal type

while the scope part shaws a target

made of rings that get smaller in sequence with some dots missing
for target etc and to gather info

so is very very much development still too do

its rough but ready

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coil design metal detector

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sry forget to put the online calc

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and here is a good theory site for metal detctor technique

again use bable fish altavista to get to your language

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: THE BORG on 2001-12-13 18:29 ]</font>

top metal detector schematic

if you can send this rar file to me or give link to it.

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