measuring RPM using PIC16f877A and display it on LCD 16x2

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Sep 12, 2007
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measuring rpm

hi all!

im new here. i would like to ask for programing a PIC16F877A for rpm measurement. the input is from the hall effect sensor which triggered once for each rev. the output is on 16x2 characters LCD display.

im doing this for my wind speed meter.


rpm pic16f877a

I don't think you will find exactly you want, but you can research similar projects and extract what you want at each. There's a lot of documentations and links at this forum. My sugestion is you start the development and at certain time, you ask us about specific doubts.

Concerning the product, you could use the external interrupt ( RB0 ) to acquire the rotation and calculate it based on a 60seconds timer implemented by firmware. An internal timer could give de timming of 1 second. The LCD, if you use the CCS C compiler, it have a driver to character displays, and also some examples using it.


rpm pic16f877

Well , this is a very easy project for which you are using complicated hall effect sensor..

Follow this:

1. use a low speed DC motor that is used in Tape Recorders..

2. interface that with analog to digital converter..

3. get the according output at display..


the faster the motor to its full speed the higher voltage the output will be from the motor..

I hope you understand..



pic16f877 proximity switches

I don't agree with you Simran. It's absolutely a confusing method. The mechanical arrangements & the limit of measurement due to adc will be horrible. If you use 10 bit adc you'll be able to measure rpm only upto 1023 rpm with a resolution of 1 rpm. Better than this make a timer for lets say 10 seconds count the number of pulses given by hall effect sensor then multiply the result by 6 you'll get the result.

contactless rpm sensor


A simple proximity sensor (switch) will do the job


wind speed pic16f877a

You can use the input capture mode for detect the timing of feedback signal or use external interrupt plus one timer, then convert the timing of feedback signal to the speed.

use pic16f877 measurement pulse

i already prepare the hardware. i use the hall effect sensor/switch because it is contactless so, it is more sensitive for measuring wind even at low speed.
the propeller already built and tested. a pulse generated on each rev.

question here is how to program it to get the RPM and then i can calibrate the program so it can dispaly on LCD on other metric units.

i wish someone can direct me to specific reading or sample program available.

capture mode using pic16f877

u can use pulsein function if u program by picbasic
its good function to measure the width of pulse

in the begining use laser transmitter and reciver to calculate the rotation of what u have

pic16f877 hall

how about using timer and interrupt(RB0)?

i found a page that using PIC16f84 for measuring RPM.

check this out.

i have downloaded the software but i cant rewrite the software in pbasic because it the software was written using other C compiler.

if anybody here can help me on that will be great.

Re: measuring RPM using PIC16f877A and display it on LCD 16x

I have also great desire to do so. but now I have a problem. How can combine with speedometer and digital clock using pic microcontroller.

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