MATLAB PROGRAMING + gaussian finction

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tukey window matlab programs

HI I AM MASTERS STUDENT. my project is on multilevel inverter simulation and i m facing problem in firing of it needs switching sequences and many things more to get its proper output waveforms. i am attaching the model i prepared allready.
if any one know how i proceed in my project plz contact me on my ID

programing in matlab

Ana-Maria said:
Hi, I'm really interested about this course. Great idea.
I'm a PhD student.
Please help me in writing matlab code for
1.TDMA TR and RX.
2.CDMA TR and RX.

Added after 2 minutes:

Please send me matlab code for
1.TDMA TR and RX.
2.CDMA TR and RX.

bi2de matlab 2008

how to create the cell hexagon using matlab
any1 help me...

how to modulate in matlab in 128 qam


i would also like to join this... m doing MSC but does not know how to use MATLAB.
for the mean time i m facing problem in generating 16 QAM data and representing in the form of a vector.
i will be thankful to you ifyou help me out

thanks in advance

Added after 10 minutes:


i also want to join this ....
m doing MSC but new in MATLAB... for now m facing problem in generating 16-QAM data and representing it in the form of a vector

i will be very thank ful to u

slps simulink video tutorial

hye.. i'm an electrical student.. i want 2 ask about the 'analysis and enhancement of PSK data communication signal in the presence of broadband interference'. i have 2 do the analysis using MATLAB programming to simulate the result. any ideas of programming?

noice of a vedio signal

Take me as a critic but I think this is one of the most useless threads on this forum. People only tell their problems, expect others to quote *give* them the solution.

Programming is not something that can be "given" it is a logic that one has to develop. This thread only gives people false hope that they will get a quick fix to their problem.

I am not pointing to any person in particular, but writing in general view. In fact this thread was supposed to be a place where we can discuss ideas and how to convert them into Matlab codes. Since that has not been achieved, I see the experts not even bothering to reply here anymore

canale awgn matlab

I am attaching Matlab tutorial..... you can find anything which you want

how to calcuate covariance matrix, matlab

am doing my MS research on Synchronization in Ofdm systems
i need help regaring cyclic prefix
can u plzz tell me how can i add cyclic prifix to my data in matalb plzz plzzz?????

generate a qam signal in matlab

i want to learn interfacing uC with matlab

chennel gain in matlab

hye sir
i am doing an assignment on the dvb-t synchronisation technique but i dnt knw that how to do it,thats why i said so that i am learning , so depressed that the topic is still not clear to me ,my teacher told me to use these matlab codes for the ofdm transmission and reception and then pass this channel to awgn or shift the signal and then on receiver side implement any synchronisation technique,will u be kind enough in helping me out.the code for the transmission ofdm signal with and without awgn is given below respectively.
In a nutshell i have to remove the frequency offset from my awgn signal which is given in the second link .



Added after 24 minutes:

i have also gone through the matlab.pdf file which u gave and must admit that a tremendous file containing all the basic structures and i want to request that please help me out the issue i discussed in my last post of synchronisation . and furthermore after my this headache assignment i want to learn professionally matlab from u so what is the way to learn from u .


matlab pspice interference using slps

can u please help me to simulate LNB(digital dish) signal by usig matlab.

matlab assignment programing

i m bs engineering student n i will love to lern matlab .....

Added after 13 minutes:

i m doing my bs project in spectrum sensing in cognitive redio i need vedio signal in matlab so that i can calculate covariance matrix for that vedio signal can u help me plz...

sequential decoder matlab

hello ,
Nice to see this topic. Sir i want UMTS transmitter code in matlab. can u plz provide me.

thanks sohail

matlab mrc receiver


can any body help me to clear me that why i am not getting different values in e(i)
because of which the BER curve is not showing properly

thanks .....code is given below

clear all;
N=10^4 %symbols
M=16; % for 16 qam
% EbN0=20;
L=log2(M);% number of bits

for i=1:length(SNR)

data=((sign(randn(N*L,1)+1))>0.5).'; % bit to send

for i=1L-1) tbl=[tbl zeros(length(tbl),1); flipud(tbl) ones(length(tbl),1)]; end;

tmp = sortrows([bi2de(tbl)'; [0 : M-1]]');
Reordering = tmp,2)';

Vals = [0:M-1];

Y= fix(Vals./sqrt(M)); % y=0:3 => row
% % counting forward for odd rows, backward for even rows
x = -sign(mod(Y,2)-0.5).*(bitand(Vals,sqrt(M)-1)*2+1-sqrt(M)); % x = +/- (0:3)*2+1-4
y = sqrt(M)-Y*2-1; % y = 4 - y*2-1
constellation = x + j*y; % constellation points % construct result
% scatterplot(constellation);

constellationpower = sqrt(mean(abs(constellation).^2)); % calculate average power
modulationconstellation= constellation(Reordering+1)/constellationpower;

EsN0 = EbN0 * L;

% needed to perform bi2de conversion
bpwr = (2.^(0L-1)));
% scale looked up modulated constellation index obtained by bi2de conversion

if ((mod(size(data,2),L)~=0) & (1))
data = [data zeros(1,L-mod(size(data,2),L))];

z = sqrt(EsN0) * modulationconstellation( bpwr*reshape(data,L,size(data,2)/L) + 1 );
% noise

% demodulation
% getting index of a minimum value
for k=1:length

% need to perform decimal to binary conversion

bitrcv=binary(; % bit recieved

% error=error+e;

%actually facing problem in this part
e(i) =length(find([data- bitrcv])); % finding errors...

close all;

ylabel('Bit Error Rate');
title('Bit error probability curve for 16-QAM modulation');


dear sir,
I am working on propagation path loss. can u tell me how can i add path loss to transmitted bits. i got the path loss of 110 dB and now i have to corrupt the transmitted data with that amount . Can u plz help me out.



HI.. I have started learning matlab around 5-7 days ago. Did a minor project on how to send data to parallel port of PC using MATLAB programming. Now iwan't to use image aquisition toolbox to do a ball follow kind of robotics project, but facing problems in coding. Please can you provide me some resources. I wan't something to tell about it step by step. Please do post.


an interested too, an a master student

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