Matlab code for face recognition system

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Newbie level 6
Aug 27, 2010
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i need a help to do my final yr pjct using matlab title face recognition...

i need a souce to do my pjct or any matlab coding.. pls help me

Firstly thank you .I looked but ı dont understand. I studied much tıme (my final yr pjct using matlab) in matlab for prct . but I dont do a thing. I take foto from cam using matlab and thn I change size , rgb2gray(), sobel filter or Edge detection..... I have to find face from picture and have to cut.... but dont do it Help me plse
hello, I also have a final project about face recognition system in matlab code. I suppose it has been about 2 years that you took this project and you must have done this. Can you help me in this project with yours? thanks for attention
Hi Mr. Rosa,
Firstly, I want to thank you for your attention and sending this application. As I analyzed, you have got a comprehensive programme. However, I couldn't found the source code in this application and It seems just an application about face recognation. Is it possible to take the source code of the application from you? Could you help me with your source code?

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