Making measurements in closed tanks ?

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You'll find a lot of commercial sensors under the keywords "non-invasive ultrasonic level measurement" respectively "non-invasive ultrasonic level switch"


Thanks for your helps,
I need to know fuel level, not only to detect if there's fuel or not.

I didn't see this link before
I didn't post the link, but it's one of the very first google hits for "non-invasive ultrasonic level measurement".

I just wanted to show that this kind of measurements is feasible and utilized in industrial instrumentation.

You can either buy commercial instruments or design it on your own. I don't know your electronics and physics and mechanical engineering skills and can't estimate your chances to manage the design.
Reactions: tpetar


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I'm sorry for my bad question :S
My issue is to measure fuel in a genset tank. So I assume that this tank is from metal and it's very big size...

First, "very big" means nothing.
An older thread, but deserves showing a solution that few know about. There is several depth lenghts available :

----> **broken link removed**

Instead of absurd complications.

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