Full Member level 3

Hi Guys,
I am currently looking at a transformer design and I am a bit unsure on what is optimum for the design , the waveform on the transformer will be a short pulse of square waves ranging from 2KHz to 20Khz, maximum pulse length 50ms every 15% rep rate.Design specs are
Vin-200V pk
Vout 2kV pk
Iout-0.42A rms
Iin-4.243A rms
Now I have already have looked at the minimum turns for this for it not to go into saturation but the magnetizing current from what I have worked out is very large! so my questions are:
1) I am unsure what the magnetizing current would be given this pulse waveform, whether the pulse waveform and rep rate effect this?
2) How do you determine when lowering the magnetizing current becomes non beneficial and you start losing more through copper losses etc?
I am currently looking at a transformer design and I am a bit unsure on what is optimum for the design , the waveform on the transformer will be a short pulse of square waves ranging from 2KHz to 20Khz, maximum pulse length 50ms every 15% rep rate.Design specs are
Vin-200V pk
Vout 2kV pk
Iout-0.42A rms
Iin-4.243A rms
Now I have already have looked at the minimum turns for this for it not to go into saturation but the magnetizing current from what I have worked out is very large! so my questions are:
1) I am unsure what the magnetizing current would be given this pulse waveform, whether the pulse waveform and rep rate effect this?
2) How do you determine when lowering the magnetizing current becomes non beneficial and you start losing more through copper losses etc?