Newbie level 4

Hello All,
I am using LPC2148 in one of my application. i just don't want to poll for completion of adc conversion, so i have use interrupt for adc conversion completion. First time (i have checked it in simulator and same situation may occur in harware becuase it not work what i desire) when i tell lpc2148 through command to read adc, it start conversion and interrupt generate and it execute it's adc ISR. but iterrupt (ADINT) is not get clear, even i read all registers (ADDR,ADGDR,ADSTAT), so next time when adc conversion get complete, control not jump to execute ISR.
Please help.
I am using LPC2148 in one of my application. i just don't want to poll for completion of adc conversion, so i have use interrupt for adc conversion completion. First time (i have checked it in simulator and same situation may occur in harware becuase it not work what i desire) when i tell lpc2148 through command to read adc, it start conversion and interrupt generate and it execute it's adc ISR. but iterrupt (ADINT) is not get clear, even i read all registers (ADDR,ADGDR,ADSTAT), so next time when adc conversion get complete, control not jump to execute ISR.
Please help.