Zara Ahmad
Newbie level 1

I am currently working on a wireless pulse-oximeter as my final year project. we are having some trouble in the digital signal processing part particularly in the implementation of different filters in C. we are using TI's MSP430 for the project. We have implemented DC tracking filter in matlab but dont know how to translate it in C. moreover we have to implement a low pass and a high pass filter too.
Can anyone plz provide us with working codes of the filters. any other helpful documentation is appreciated.
Thank you!
I am currently working on a wireless pulse-oximeter as my final year project. we are having some trouble in the digital signal processing part particularly in the implementation of different filters in C. we are using TI's MSP430 for the project. We have implemented DC tracking filter in matlab but dont know how to translate it in C. moreover we have to implement a low pass and a high pass filter too.
Can anyone plz provide us with working codes of the filters. any other helpful documentation is appreciated.
Thank you!