Looking for RF solutions based on one chip

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Junior Member level 1
Dec 10, 2004
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choose for RF (help)

i needed some RF solutions based on one chip -requests --> very stable prefer in range 433mhz-2GHZ frequency ,data transfer from 50 kbit/sec ( much better from 80-100kbit/sec) very good if digital input (or analog input) have sensitivity around 50millivolt ..power supply no more them 3 volt ,consumer no more them 15 milliwatt .output RF from 1milliwatt , much better around 10 miliwatt .. and other more chip and all peripheral external component must be very flat like 1 mm or more flat , i found one solution based on some product of NORDIC , but maybe someone can help me to choose other solutions . thanks

Re: choose for RF (help)

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    Points: 2
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Re: choose for RF (help)

thanks 2 Vfone , maybe it exactly what i need , did u work with this chip ? i not read datasheet yet , but which matter is most for me is configurations of this chip, because i never working with the programmable chip , (by this reason i try found other solutions them NORDIC ) quest is this chip will working only after debuging ?or it ready to use without configurations ? how it easy ??? best regards

Re: choose for RF (help)

I did help a friend to use MICRF501, and from the RF point of view I can say that is working very well in 433MHz and is not hard to tune.
I don’t know how complicated is the programmable side to be implemented, but should be not a problem for a good programmer.

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