Looking for free RF simulation software

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Newbie level 4
Apr 16, 2007
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hi all, i am a newbie on RF design, but now iam work on LG innotek indonesia as RnD, LG innotek focused on production of TV tuner (analog and digital), i need your advices what book suitable to me, and RF simulation software (free ), i need your advices how to design RF or microwave from basic to expert.....

do you have ads free download???



Re: help me on RF...???

there is no free ads , but u can download the free ansoft designer SV "student version"
this is good to start ,
about the RF book begin with David Pozar book it is good


help me on RF...???

you can use ADS , CST, HFSS . Everything you can find free in p2p network like emule ,...
Try to go to rfic.co.uk to read and down load the tutorial of ADS . It helps you a lot

help me on RF...???

focus on transmission lines first

help me on RF...???

first u start with the very basic of Transmission line, smith chart ans s-parameters. then u can take any one of the tc-line topology, like- microstrip line. u can study from Pozar/Hayt/Liao. then u can simulate ur circuit in free sonnet or ADS evaluation copy.

Re: help me on RF...???

learn Electromagnetic theory properly ..go to massachussets univ website and see the videos showin live demos/exptl verification of various Electromagnetic theory concepts

help me on RF...???

I recommend RF Circuit Design by Chris Bowick.

help me on RF...???

Circuit Design by Chris BowiK IT IS ONF BEST

help me on RF...???

If you are currently student, i would recommend to enroll "RF wireless course"

Re: help me on RF...???

Designing TV tuners is not an easy job even for an RF expert. And if you're talking about analogic and digital tuners (meaning maybe zero IF tuners with digitally sintetizable oscillators, DVBT etc) the problems are twice as those you may see in an analogic tuner. What you need you can't find in one book. You need experience, so be patient and take it slowly, will come in a few years of hard job. :wink:

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