Looking for an ergonomic push button

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Junior Member level 3
Sep 7, 2011
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I'm looking for a button (in a small box) to be carried in a pocket and easily pressed even without watching it. The button should be protected from being pushed unintentionally.

Companies like Farnell have buttons of type round or dome which might be acceptable. But this egg shaped box with a finger print sized concave button that has a rugged surface, seems to be ideal (at least if one feels a distinct click when pushing it):
Pendant MCT-241 | Wireless Property Protections | Visonic Wireless Security

But that's a component in some alarm system and is not sold separately, by the company linked to anyway. Any ideas of where I should look for stuff like that? I could use any mini flashlight or garage door remote control or anything like that, to put my little electronics inside. I'm just looking for a little box with a good button.

Search on google as IMAGES not pages, it will give you 100s of images to select.

That switch will just be a simple PCB mounted switch underneath a custom plastic moulding. I think the best you will be able to find without making your own is a complete switch which you poke through a hole in your case. Maybe something like this SCHURTER|12411104791|SWITCH, SPNO, ROUND, YELLOW | Farnell United Kingdom or maybe you could bury something like this in a case to the actuator is just below the case surface MULTIMEC|3ETL9-9.5|SWITCH, SPNO, BLACK, 9.5MM | Farnell United Kingdom

You could possibly bury a switch so it is under the case then machine the case to thin out the area over the switch on both sides to create a flexible area you can feel. It all depends on how many you are planning to make. If you are going to make plenty of them then a custom moulding may be the best bet.


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