
Fluorescent lights (eg the new CFLs) contain mercury and present a toxic hazard to humans. (?)
However, a recent court case in UK has proven that Mercury is not in fact very poisonous at all….
Between January and April 2009, William Dowling (69) of Colne, Lancashire , UK gave his ex-wife (Maureen) a cup of tea once a week, and he laced this tea with mercury.
His unsuspecting wife, Maureen, drank the tea and even remembers seeing silver globules in the bottom of the cup.
Maureen and the daughters eventually informed the police who raided William Dowling’s house and caught him red-handed trying to hide a pot of mercury.
They also found a coffee jar laced with mercury. William Dowling confessed to administering Mercury into his wife’s tea over the four months.
Maureen said that she had become ill with nausea and memory loss……..however, the court declared that Maureen’s illness was not likely to have been caused by the Mercury.
Willam Dowling was let off with a one year suspended jail sentence and is pictured in the Daily Express, 29th August 2009, page 17, with a huge smile on his face , walking free from court.
This Lady, Maureen, who drank Mercury for four months , is living proof that Mercury is not in fact very poisonous at all.
All I say is Rest-In-Peace mass mains lighting with LEDs.
Not only is LED’s competitor,( fluorescent lights containing Mercury), not very toxic, but LED lights need bigger heatsinks, are more reliant on electrolytic capacitors, and LEDs are more expensive.
Can we finally lay to rest the onset of domestic mains LED lighting?
Fluorescent lights (eg the new CFLs) contain mercury and present a toxic hazard to humans. (?)
However, a recent court case in UK has proven that Mercury is not in fact very poisonous at all….
Between January and April 2009, William Dowling (69) of Colne, Lancashire , UK gave his ex-wife (Maureen) a cup of tea once a week, and he laced this tea with mercury.
His unsuspecting wife, Maureen, drank the tea and even remembers seeing silver globules in the bottom of the cup.
Maureen and the daughters eventually informed the police who raided William Dowling’s house and caught him red-handed trying to hide a pot of mercury.
They also found a coffee jar laced with mercury. William Dowling confessed to administering Mercury into his wife’s tea over the four months.
Maureen said that she had become ill with nausea and memory loss……..however, the court declared that Maureen’s illness was not likely to have been caused by the Mercury.
Willam Dowling was let off with a one year suspended jail sentence and is pictured in the Daily Express, 29th August 2009, page 17, with a huge smile on his face , walking free from court.
This Lady, Maureen, who drank Mercury for four months , is living proof that Mercury is not in fact very poisonous at all.
All I say is Rest-In-Peace mass mains lighting with LEDs.
Not only is LED’s competitor,( fluorescent lights containing Mercury), not very toxic, but LED lights need bigger heatsinks, are more reliant on electrolytic capacitors, and LEDs are more expensive.
Can we finally lay to rest the onset of domestic mains LED lighting?