Large Signal Bandwidth

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I think I get two things mixed - 1). due to limitation output swing of opamp, filter o/p will be saturated - that is one kind of distortion (is harmonic distortion analysis required for this?), the other is 2) Due to slew limitation sinus can be triangular at output which also causes distortion. Am I correct?
Yes, correct. But how should I know, if you need harmonic distortion analysis?

Actually my doubt was - as you mentioned on 13th may: "...for a given OUTPUT amplitude (which leads to the input amplitude if you know the gain), what did you mean by a "given OUPUT amplitued"???

Normally, a certain output is required for each particular application - due to requirements of the following stage/subsystem (filter, ADC, ...)

i would like to know those images are simulated or experimental?

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