Kindle for Engineering students at Unversity

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Advanced Member level 2
Apr 17, 2011
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DO you know of anyone using Kindle in the Engineering department?
I thought of buying an eReader but realized that all of them have such small-tiny screens. Than I came across the iPad which is bigger but more expensive due to it being a more generic device capable of running so many other type of applications.

Thus my question is this, what do you think about someone getting an reader to study Engineering books, these are the books that have circuit diagrams and equations and not just plain text unlike law and literature books you see. Any recommendations or advice regarding this matter?

Which eBook reader is best for this case?
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Can you get the books and papers you need available on Kindle?
When I checked a year ago, I could not find any of the Engineering books that I wanted on Kindle.
If you can get the PDFs, then it doesn't really matter what device you use to access them.
I would have thought a laptop and/or tablet would make more sense than an e-ink device for Engineering use.
For fiction an e-ink version of Kindle probably.

Sorry, I should not have used the word kindle in the question than. What I meant to ask is Engineering textbooks (provided we have the pdf version) on an eReader (excluding laptops).
The only thing with these laptops is that they are kind of bulky, we don't get the feeling of reading a book. It feels like looking at the screen as when we are watching some graphic or animation on the computer screen.
I personally have tried reading some books on the laptop but never had something like iPad or kindle or some other mere-screen ebook reading device. I posted this question just to see if other people have any such experience and what they would say about it.

I have a tablet (i.e. LCD, not e-ink) and it is very good for PDFs (they render the same as on a laptop, but maybe a fraction slower).
A tablet won't be a book experience either though, since only a paper book can do that.
Unless I need to be very mobile, I still prefer to carry a laptop instead, and know I can have my PDFs and
complete desktop apps with me (I don't mind the weight!). I can see this changing to a degree as tablets and apps evolve.

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