Job situation in France?

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Full Member level 4
Apr 4, 2003
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I'm planning to studying France in the next school-year. But I lack of information in France! I'm planning to studying my Master degree (one year) and continue my Doctor degree if it's possible. And my targeted cities are: Paris, Lyon, Toulouse, Grenoble and Rennes.

Can somebody here who is living in France, say something about job opportunities in France (Telecoms, Electronics, Embedded Sys Engineer)? living cost in the above cities? and could I find a part-time job in these fields in France?

Thank you!

job openings for freshers is presently not good in france

What is the most popular range of salary for freshers in France?

hi All.

I do not recommend you to work in France,

why ?

  • You will feel somehow alone, they are reluctant to talk in english...(they are really not the ideal people fitted for international environment) ->cultural problem #1
  • The salary is not that high, you can earn much more in UK or in some other couple of countries
  • I know a couple of foreign people (foreign continent) judging frenchs as not beeing very fair people
  • The hierarchy is highly proununced in France, the big boss is the Queen, simply intouchable.>cultural problem #2
  • discrimination is Highly prununced against black and arabs
  • the economical climate is in recession generally speaking due essentially to the next point, => no obvious reason for freshers to be welcomed at first glance,
  • French are reluctant to changement, you will have to struggle hard to get your salary highen for instance.>cultural problem #3

I come myself from France to know what I am talking about and for this reason I left France.

Naturally I have nothing against France, that's just honest observation of what is generally happening, nevertheless exceptions occurs so If you are convinced anyway to have found the right place, then i wish you every success there.



HUH.. the Queen is in the UK not in france ?

and living is MUCH more expensive in the UK than in france...
Considering your answers, I'm really asking if you really lived in france for more than a week ?

Kripton2035 said:
I'm really asking if you really lived in france for more than a week ?

25 Years roughly.

I am just expressing what my experience has shown so far. You may have another opinion, I dont care.


Bonjour to you all.
I left France my country of origin 10 years ago .Not because the work was badly payed .But just because i wanted to see something else .I'm considering to go back to France ,so i have search for jobs oportunities .I must say that i see quite a lot in electronics .One thing to know is that in France the salary is one thing and the other is the good social protections that they have there. If you are out of work ,you can get unemplpyment for more that 2 years .Also the health benefits are very good.And there are plenty of programs to get you up to date with new technology all paid by the state.On top 13 to 14 months of year salary is very attractive.In France an employer can't just fire you because he wants to relocate or else like in USA .They have to compensate you .
So all this makes France a very NICE place to work en enjoy.!


IN France, I know there's some famous companies like SmartWare, Gemplus, France Telecoms, Alcatel.

From your points of view, it seems that someone must leave France for a better destination because France is not the meilleur in the hi-tech? I mean, France does not rank in the top ten country in hi-tech world?

Any other idea?

No ..This is false ..HI tech is a big word.. France is the first Nuclear technology country in the world .France builds AIRLINERS that even china or japan can't build.
France has the ARIANE succesful SPACE CRAFT.The biggest sea ship was built in France.
But right after the second world France decided to go after technology that really pays big river dams.Nuclear reactors ,jet engines, SUBWAYS ,SHIPS ,PLANES etc .But this huge projects require other types of thecnology. France builds all the electronics and high software it needs. But The analysis is that some small appliances buissness or gadgets this is not as a lucrative bussiness as building a METRO subway in MEXICO or CARACAS.But nevertheless more than ever the economic game has evolved and French companies are buying BIG Names .RCA is French and the manufacture of millions of TV tubes are french ,ALCATEL is a big tecnology monster..But as what is happening in the US .French companies are producing abroad .For cost reasons and also enviromental laws in Europe.


A have a question about the level of salaries in France. What can an engineer with 2-3 years experience after MSc degree earn in a big international company doing RF/mixed-signal IC design?

I think it is not so good to work in France, I live in Western Europe and I think there are not much job openings there in the multinationals...

Try to find a job in your country
i think to be in your country with your pepole is the best thing in the world

Fire in the Wire :idea:

Right now there is good boom in India, it should not be a bad choice at all

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