IVewing Waveform in Pspice simulation

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Junior Member level 3
May 14, 2009
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Guys my circuit involves a differential signal as an input and some voltage comparators and op amps to extract clock from the signal. Is there anything like a waveform observer at the input and output and the in-between nodes so i can see what is happening at exactly which stage. Anything like an oscilloscope to help me observe waveforms at different points of my circuit. Pls in this case, which analysis should i run? I have tried all the basic ones from Bias point to AC sweep and i can't seem to get it right..
Help required..!

Waveforms can be seen in transient analysis only. Place voltage markers, run analysis, see the result.
Waveforms can be seen for all Analysis except for .OP analysis. You can See waveform for DC, AC, Transient, Montecarlo, parametric Sweep etc analysis. As advised by FvM you can use markers in schematic and waveform at that node would be plotted in PSpice waveform analysis window. This is just like attaching oscilloscope probe to a pin in real circuit. You can also directly add name of trace in PSpice waveform viewer by Trace>Add Trace menu pick.

Waveforms can be seen for all Analysis except for .OP analysis.
I won't name a gain and phase plot a waveform because I understand the term related to time domain only, and I think the original poster was asking for an oscilloscope like time domain display. But you can of course get graphic output in the probe window.

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