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What is the name of the device that you are changing, it is a led but what is the component name?
Did it have a package or are you adding a new one?
when you press assign package do you see a dialog that asks to save the package to a library?
Ho do you get to this dialog?
is it by right clicking on the component on the schematic and selecting packaging tool?
In that case I get a save dialog when i press assign package, i don't know why you don't get that dialog.
yes i have not this dialog, how did you write A and K ( on the "A" colomn), is it by clicking on the right button mouse in parallel with the A and K button from the keyboard ??
You can either write the letter in column A or select a box in column A and then click on the right side image over any pin to assign the letter number to the selected box
yes when i press assign package the screen disappears, and package exist but the pin are not assigned, for example in my design A1 is not assigned to A and A2 not assigned to K
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