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hi every1,
i wrote a pc application in Visual C which could send text file by block of 8 bytes.i short pin 2 and 3 of the serial port to test the GUI without any hardware.i was able to get back data by block of 8 bytes.any incomplete block is padded with a space character.
Later i tested the GUI with PIC16f877.I loaded the following code from microchip's application note AN774 to test serial comm using buffres:
the code for the .asm file is show below:
i've managed to include a carriage return <cr> character after each block of 8 bytes in my PC application.i also set the buffer length at 8 bytes in the p16_tprp.asm for my PIC16f877 code.i tested the serial comm with text files which has 7,8,9,15,16 and 17 characters.
however,when i tested the code with 8 bytes as buffer length on da PIC side, i realise that the 8th bytes for the text file was replaced by the <cr> character.then when i changed the buffer length from 9 onwards on da PIC side, the data reception was working fine.
after that i edited my PC application code so that the <cr> character is send after 2 blocks of 8 bytes.this time i set the buffer length to 16, and when a text file more than 15 bytes is sent, the 16th byte is replaced by the <cr> character.then when i change the buffer length from 17 onwards on da PIC side, the data reception was working fine.
so my question is this data transfer appropriate for me to proceed with encrypting text files using the AES algoithm since the algorithm works with blocks of 16 bytes for encryption??
hi every1,
i wrote a pc application in Visual C which could send text file by block of 8 bytes.i short pin 2 and 3 of the serial port to test the GUI without any hardware.i was able to get back data by block of 8 bytes.any incomplete block is padded with a space character.
Later i tested the GUI with PIC16f877.I loaded the following code from microchip's application note AN774 to test serial comm using buffres:
P16_TWRP.ASM Poll to receive, Wait to transmit, No buffers, Eight bit data
the code for the .asm file is show below:
; Filename: p16_tprp.asm
; Author: Mike Garbutt
; Company: Microchip Technology Inc.
; Revision: 1.00
; Date: August 6, 2002
; Assembled using MPASMWIN V3.20
; Include Files: V1.12
; PIC16XXX USART example code with transmit and receive polling. The
; main routine calls calls subroutines to poll for received data and for
; data to be transmitted. Received data is put into a buffer, called
; RxBuffer. When a carriage return <CR> is received, the received data
; in RxBuffer is copied into another buffer, TxBuffer. The data in
; TxBuffer is then transmitted by the transmit polling routine.
list p=16f877 ;list directive to define processor
#include <> ;processor specific definitions
errorlevel -302 ;suppress "not in bank 0" message
SPBRG_VAL EQU .103 ;set baud rate 9600 for 16Mhz clock
RX_BUF_LEN EQU .8 ;length of receive buffer
TX_BUF_LEN EQU RX_BUF_LEN ;length of transmit buffer
;Bit Definitions
ReceivedCR EQU 0 ;bit indicates <CR> character received
CBLOCK 0x020
Flags ;byte to store indicator flags
RxByteCount ;number of bytes received
TxByteCount ;number of bytes to transmit
TxPointer ;pointer to data in buffer
TxBuffer:TX_BUF_LEN ;buffer for data to transmit
CBLOCK 0x120
RxBuffer:RX_BUF_LEN ;buffer for data received
;Macros to select the register bank
;Many bank changes can be optimized when only one STATUS bit changes
Bank0 MACRO ;macro to select data RAM bank 0
Bank1 MACRO ;macro to select data RAM bank 1
Bank2 MACRO ;macro to select data RAM bank 2
Bank3 MACRO ;macro to select data RAM bank 3
;This code executes when a reset occurs.
ORG 0x0000 ;place code at reset vector
ResetCode: clrf PCLATH ;select program memory page 0
goto Main ;go to beginning of program
;This code executes when an interrupt occurs.
ORG 0x0004 ;place code at interrupt vector
InterruptCode: ;do interrupts here
retfie ;return from interrupt
;Main routine calls the transmit and receive polling routines and checks for a
;carriage return. It then calls a routine to copy the data to transmit back.
Main: call SetupSerial ;set up serial port and buffers
;do other initialization here
MainLoop: call TransmitSerial ;go transmit data if possible
call ReceiveSerial ;go get received data if possible
btfsc Flags,ReceivedCR ;check if <CR> received
call CopyRxToTx ;if so then go copy the data
;do other stuff here
goto MainLoop ;go do main loop again
;Check if data received and if so, place in a buffer. Also check for <CR>.
ReceiveSerial: Bank0 ;select bank 0
btfss PIR1,RCIF ;check if data
return ;return if no data
btfsc RCSTA,OERR ;if overrun error occurred
goto ErrSerialOverr ; then go handle error
btfsc RCSTA,FERR ;if framing error occurred
goto ErrSerialFrame ; then go handle error
movlw RX_BUF_LEN ;get buffer length
xorwf RxByteCount,W ;and compare with byte count
btfsc STATUS,Z ;check if buffer is full
goto ErrRxBufOver ; go handle it if full
BANKISEL RxBuffer ;bank bit for indirect addressing
movlw LOW RxBuffer ;get start address of buffer
addwf RxByteCount,W ;add current byte number
movwf FSR ;and place in FSR pointer
movf RCREG,W ;get received data
movwf INDF ;and place in buffer
xorlw 0x0d ;compare with <CR>
btfsc STATUS,Z ;check if the same
bsf Flags,ReceivedCR ;indicate <CR> character received
incf RxByteCount,F ;increment count of bytes received
;error because OERR overrun error bit is set
;can do special error handling here - this code simply clears and continues
ErrSerialOverr: bcf RCSTA,CREN ;reset the receiver logic
bsf RCSTA,CREN ;enable reception again
;error because FERR framing error bit is set
;can do special error handling here - this code simply clears and continues
ErrSerialFrame: movf RCREG,W ;discard received data that has error
;error because Rx buffer is full and new data has been received
;can do special error handling here - this code simply overwrites last data
ErrRxBufOver: decf RxByteCount,F ;decrement byte count to overwrite last
goto ReceiveSer1
;Transmit data if there is data in the transmit buffer.
TransmitSerial: Bank0 ;select bank 0
movf TxByteCount,F ;check if data to be transmitted
btfsc STATUS,Z
return ;return if no data to be transmitted
btfss PIR1,TXIF ;check if transmitter busy
return ;return if transmitter busy
BANKISEL TxBuffer ;bank bit for indirect addressing
movf TxPointer,W ;put pointer into WREG
movwf FSR ;and then into FSR
movf INDF,W ;get the data to be transmitted
movwf TXREG ;and transmit
decf TxByteCount,F ;decrement number of bytes left
incf TxPointer,F ;increment pointer to next data
;Set up serial port and buffers.
SetupSerial: Bank1 ;select bank 1
movlw 0xc0 ;set tris bits for TX and RX
iorwf TRISC,F
movlw SPBRG_VAL ;set baud rate
movwf SPBRG
movlw 0x24 ;enable transmission and high baud rate
movwf TXSTA
Bank0 ;select bank 0
movlw 0x90 ;enable serial port and reception
movwf RCSTA
clrf TxByteCount ;clear transmit buffer data count
clrf RxByteCount ;clear receive buffer data count
clrf Flags ;clear all flags
;Copy data from receive buffer to transmit buffer to echo the line back
CopyRxToTx: Bank0 ;select bank 0
movf TxByteCount,F ;check if still transmitting data
btfss STATUS,Z
goto ErrTxBufOver ;go handle error if still busy
BANKISEL RxBuffer ;bank bit for indirect addressing
movlw LOW RxBuffer ;get start address of buffer
addwf TxByteCount,W ;add current byte number
movwf FSR ;and place in FSR pointer
movf INDF,W ;get data from Rx buffer
movwf TxPointer ;and save for later (reusing register)
BANKISEL TxBuffer ;bank bit for indirect addressing
movlw LOW TxBuffer ;get start address of buffer
addwf TxByteCount,W ;add current byte number
movwf FSR ;and place in FSR pointer
movf TxPointer,W ;get saved data (not a pointer)
movwf INDF ;and place in Tx buffer
incf TxByteCount,F ;increment count of bytes in TxBuffer
decfsz RxByteCount,F ;decrement counter and see if all done
goto CopyRxTx1 ;repeat if not done
movlw LOW TxBuffer ;take address of transmit buffer
movwf TxPointer ;and place in transmit pointer
bcf Flags,ReceivedCR ;clear indicator for <CR> received
;error because still transmitting data and new data is available to transmit
;can do special error handling here - this code simply discards the new data
ErrTxBufOver: clrf RxByteCount ;reset received byte count
bcf Flags,ReceivedCR ;clear indicator for <CR> received
i've managed to include a carriage return <cr> character after each block of 8 bytes in my PC application.i also set the buffer length at 8 bytes in the p16_tprp.asm for my PIC16f877 code.i tested the serial comm with text files which has 7,8,9,15,16 and 17 characters.
however,when i tested the code with 8 bytes as buffer length on da PIC side, i realise that the 8th bytes for the text file was replaced by the <cr> character.then when i changed the buffer length from 9 onwards on da PIC side, the data reception was working fine.
after that i edited my PC application code so that the <cr> character is send after 2 blocks of 8 bytes.this time i set the buffer length to 16, and when a text file more than 15 bytes is sent, the 16th byte is replaced by the <cr> character.then when i change the buffer length from 17 onwards on da PIC side, the data reception was working fine.
so my question is this data transfer appropriate for me to proceed with encrypting text files using the AES algoithm since the algorithm works with blocks of 16 bytes for encryption??