Is it possible?? Microcontroller based Potentio meter ( Variable resistance) ? URGENT

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Junior Member level 2
Feb 8, 2012
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Is it possible to make a microcontroller ( say 8051) based potentiometer . ??????????? How????

A potentiometer is a very generic requirement, what do you want to control?
Is it a volume control , does it control current or voltage and at what levels, will it be connected as an adjustment pot to another device?


A potentiometer is a very generic requirement, what do you want to control?
Is it a volume control , does it control current or voltage and at what levels, will it be connected as an adjustment pot to another device?


Actually i have a dc motor drive circuit which uses a potentiometer to control speed. So in order to control speed through microcontroller i need to replace it with a digital one.

I'm not sure that you can replace that with a digital pot, digital pots usually have a max voltage limit of 5v.
What is the voltage across the pot in your circuit?

Do you have a circuit diagram of the controller?

I'm not sure that you can replace that with a digital pot, digital pots usually have a max voltage limit of 5v.
What is the voltage across the pot in your circuit?

Its about 10 volts

You can use DAC with micro controller to generate analog voltage for that purpose.

You can use DAC with micro controller to generate analog voltage for that purpose.

Possibly, but we can't be sure until we know how the potentiometer is used - what the control circuit is.


If you want to control the motor from a micro controller, one good way to do it is to
change the control: control the motor in PWM directly from the micro controller using
a H bridge. I don't know anything about the motor you are using, but just in case, I
made recently a DC motor driver with RS 232 input. It can drive DC motors and also
2-phase steppers. It's for a very small device, so it is unlikely to fit your 10-V application.
Just for info:

Search Digiky, you will certainly find a device that fits your needs.


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