Intrinsic safe Micropower synchronous buck boost converter

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Newbie level 2
Mar 28, 2011
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I am designing a buck boost converter whose input ranges from 2.5V to 4.0V and the output is a fixed 3.2V.
Now this converter will behave as a buck converter in the range from 3.2V to 4.0V and will act as a boost converter in the range from 2.5V to 3.2V.
My question is about intrinsic safety, as the instrument in which this has to be used will be placed in a hazardous and explosive environment, will there be any time in which the output voltage might exceed a certain limit that it can cause an explosion?? Or the voltage at any pin exceeds a certain limit to ignite a spark?
If yes, what can I do as a remedy for this?

The ATEX intrinsic safe spec limits the number of Joules(Ignition energy) available on any electrical interface (Power and signals) The Joules on a pin is propotional to the capacitance x voltage on that pin
Thank you for your help. Can you please tell me any circuitry consisting of zeners and fuse that can be used? Actually it is a hand held device and the whole circuity has to be inside that device including the converter.
I am using LTC3440 buck boost converter.
No other external sensors are allowed.
And one more thing, how can I measure the pin capacitance??

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