[SOLVED] Interfacing UART with FPGA xilinx virtex 5, problem ?

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Member level 1
Dec 7, 2013
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I am trying to design a simple loop of communication system between pc and FPGA virtex 5, for this purpose I interfaced a BRAM with uart module, I am using VHDL as the hardware description language, the memory used is a 16 byte simple dual port BRAM ram with a width of 8-bits; is supposed to read 16 bytes of data from a terminal software and then sending them back to it, the problem is that I cannot write the first address(addra = 0) and the writing starts from the second address thus I can write only 15 bytes in one pass, here is the code of the fsm used to implement the system
proc_next_state: process(clk, reset, state)
  if reset = '1' then
    state <= idle;
  elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then
    case state is
      when idle =>
        wea(0) <= '0' ;
        dina <= rx_byte; -- input of BRAM's port A.
        ENB <= '0'; -- Enable signal for port B
        tx_DV <= '0'; -- data valid signal for uart transmitting interface.
        tx_byte <=(others => '0'); -- byte to be loaded to uart transmitting interface
        if rx_dv = '1' then -- data valid signal for uart receiving interface
          state <= writing; -- if rx_dv is asserted move to the writing state
          state <= idle;                              -- keep idle
        end if;

      when writing => 
        if addra = "1111" then -- if the whole block is written move to the reading state
          state <= reading;
          state<= idle;
        end if;
        wea <= (others => '1');
        dina <= rx_byte;
        ENB <= '0';
        tx_DV <= '0';
        addra <= addra + 1;
        tx_byte <= (others => '0');

      when reading =>
        wea <= (others => '0');
        dina <= (others => '0');
        ENB <= '1';
        tx_DV <= '1';
        tx_byte <= doutb;
        if addrb = "1111" then -- if the 16 bytes data are fully read move to state done
          state <= done;
          state <= waiting; 
        end if;
        addrb <= addrb + 1;

      when waiting =>
        wea <= (others => '0');
        dina <= (others => '0');
        ENB <= '0';
        tx_DV <= '0';
        tx_byte <= (others => '0');
        if tx_done = '1' then
          state <= reading; -- read a new byte when tx_done is asserted high
          state <= waiting; -- keep waiting
        end if;

      when others => -- remain in this state for one clock period then move to idle
        wea(0) <= '0';
        dina <= (others => '0');
        ENB <= '0';
        tx_DV <= '0';
        tx_byte <= (others => '0');
        addra <= "0000";
        addrb <= "0000";
        state <= idle; 
    end case;
  end if;
end process;

the picture below shows the simulation results of the first pass

My question is: why am I reading value 0 on addressb = 0 even though the first value received is different from 0 ?


  • problem.png
    42.8 KB · Views: 96

As you don't show the code for interfacing to the ram nor do you have enough code to attempt a simulation and you didn't zoom in on the waveform (can't even see where the clock transitions occur due to "aliasing" of the image). I can only guess you aren't handling/understanding that the ram is synchronous (i.e. has registers in the the address/enable etc path).

here is the code for interfacing the BRAM

port map(clka => clk,
         wea => Wea,
         addra => Addra,
         dina => dina,
	      enb => enb,
         clkb => clk,
         addrb => Addrb,
         doutb => doutb

Thank you for your concern, I solved the problem

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