Newbie level 2

can anybody help me for modbus implementation for interfacing pic16f877a with HMI....I studied the modbus protocol,and i created a frame format and i tried to send it, but HMI not accepting it...I done in rtu slave mode,baud rate=9600,rs-232,start bit=1.75ms,stop bit =1.75ms,delay b/n each char is .75ms........plz help...thanks in advance.................
can anybody help me for modbus implementation for interfacing pic16f877a with HMI....I studied the modbus protocol,and i created a frame format and i tried to send it, but HMI not accepting it...I done in rtu slave mode,baud rate=9600,rs-232,start bit=1.75ms,stop bit =1.75ms,delay b/n each char is .75ms........plz help...thanks in advance.................