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Interfacing Bluetooth USB Dongle with Microcontroller

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usb bluetooth driver source code


you cant make hex of intel binary and load it into pic - machine opcodes are completely different. Yet not only hardware driver but protocol related part must be added as well.

Is there any chip or circuit I can use to avoid writing the Bluetooth dongle driver and the related protocols to my MCU code.?

Thanks guys very much for your help. I really annoyed you with my questions.

microcontroler bluetooth

DDS said:
Hi MathGeek,

As for me, the main reason is not cost price of embedded bluetooth
modules. The main reason is availability.. You can easlily find and buy an
USB bluetooth dongle in nearest computer shop withal great choices.

Secondly, regularity.. I think they will be permanent in the market
because of generality of portable equipments like mobile phones, PDAs,
Notebooks, cameras etc.

Thirdly, they have universal interface port. It is USB. If you have
an already designed a reliable USB host in your embedded system, either
use it as bare USB port or equip with that dongle and provide cable-free
possibility to communicate other bluetooth devices.. Instead of a lot
of pin allocation of embedded bluetooth modules, dongles need an USB
port that aready you have.


I absolutely agree for all the points you mentioned. Those are precisely why I also would like to know if it is indeed feasible to implement USB bluetooth dongle with uC.

Has anyone had any success?

bluetooth module with microcontroller


Sparkfun carry these small bluetooth modules, cheaply, they ship to anywhere in the world, and they accept paypal. As far as convenience is concerned, it seems it doesn't come much more 'avaliable' than that, unless you want to walk into a shop and buy some over the counter? Great company, highly recommended.

And yes, as I mentioned cypress do some USB chips capable of being a 'host'. It'll stil require a far bit of coding and setting up on the PIC end, because drivers are specific to each USB device. Of course, there are 'generic' drivers, but a PIC is not a PC, you can't expect a small 8 bit microcontroller (or that cypress chip) to somehow 'have' generic drivers for most USB peripherals.

And as far as I'm aware Kender, Vinculum isn't a PIC :D (but it IS a microcontroller with a master USB interface! I'm buying one as we speak)


usb bluetooth pic

^^^Thanks for the info. I checked out Sparkfun.

60 USD is not too bad, but still a little too steep for me to implement multiple of those on different robots. I would like to know some cheaper alternatives.


Edit: Should I wait for Certified Wireless USB to gain popularity instead of learning Bluetooth?

bluetooth stack microcontroller


The FTDI Vinculum VNC1L IC can be used only a couple of USB classes which are
USB Mass Storage Class, Printer Class and HID Class. So, it can provide only
connection of USB Flash Disks, Printers and Human Interface Devices (like mice) to
an embedded system.
Furthermore its firmware is dedicated and not disclosed by FTDI.
It seems that to develop royality-free open system which is compatible to the
bluetooth dongles is quite hard with using FTDI's Vinculum unless FTDI released
new firmware.


interfacing bluetooth with microcontroller


I found these datasheets for two USB host controllers. As I can't find the max3421e, I wonder which of these chips I can use as a host with the PIC18F4455.

Thanks very much to all of you. I really appreciate all your help.

pic18f4550 bluetooth

you can use MAX3421E for USB peripheral/host controller.

have app notes and sample code for interface with ARM LPC2138 :

**broken link removed**

**broken link removed**

For MAX3421E you can req sample from Maxim-ic.

usb bluetooth microcontroller interface

Thanks, I really appreciate your help.
I'm from Egypt and I've tried to request samples from: National, Texas and Maxim but all of them said "we can't".
That's why I need to know if one of the above chips could work instead of the MAX3421E.

Thanks guys very much.

bluetooth pic microcontroller

Hello seadolphine2000,

I think both have some bottlenecks.. Vinculum is a dedicated IC for limited USB classes, please read again my post about Vinculum.
The other (NEC's USB host controller uPD720101) is aimed to be main component of PCI Bus to 5 ports USB hub.. It is imposible to match it to a PIC18F4455 without

So, MAX3421E is the best available alternative in the market for now.


usb to bluetooth serial mcu

Hey thats all about Hardware. But what about software?
You have to develop a complete driver to control Bluetooth USB Dongle i.e. we can call 'Bluetooth Stack'. So one need to study the entire protocol, communication process etc. and develop a code according to it. What do you say?

wt12 bluetooth pic


Yes that's a right suspense but... As far as I'm concerned, we could not expect to develop a sophisticated driver for already modest microcontroller driven embedded host system.
At the very beginning, this topic is opened to provide cable-free communication possibility between embedded host/peripherals with using easily available and cheap Bluetooth USB dongles.
So, I think it would be sufficient serial protocol called as SPP (Bluetooth Serial Port Profile) unless used specific peripherals which having own embedded bluetooth subsystem(like GSM, PDA etc.)


cheap bluetooth microcontroller

Ya that is true that we have to develop only a part of Bluetooth protocol stack. but there should be some way to communicate with bluetooth dongle. for e.g. like serial modem accepts AT commands etc. So do u have any idea about communication/commanding/controlling USB bluetooth dongle?
and yes, The question of USB hosting/driver software part is also hanging around. Is there any support for USB host controller coding?

connect bluetooth to microcontroller

I found this code in the manual of the MikroBasic software. Please check page 271
It's an example for sending a sequence of numbers to the PC via the USB port.
I think we can modify it some how to connect the Bluetooth dongle instead of the PC.

I have a small question about the code written in this manual. The sequence of numbers is sent via USB cable to what.? What is the destination.? I mean how can I see the received sequence.?

Thanks for all your help.

avr bluetooth dongle

I think first step towards communication between USB Host and Dongle is

-to establish a USB communication between PC and Dongle independently.
i.e. first develop a VB code or C program to communicate with dongle without its own drivers (coz every dongle comes with BT driver and BT stack for windows by which we can easily use Dongles. this drivers are so userfriendly and flexible that we just have to click once and it establishes serial communication between dongle and PC which hides actual technicality of Bluetooth Stack for Windows) as well as using PC host USB driver codes.

-USB codes are easily available for PC. so we can move further to get familier with Dongle.
so we have to find/develop a small part of bluetooth stack for USB dongle and VB code to communicate PC with USB peripherals.

-then we can go for replacing PC with an embedded solution.
because we even dont know how to communicate with dongle and how to give commands to USB dongle so that appropriate bluetooth communication can be established between Mobile and Dongle.

What do you think??

I Thank you all for your co-operation and please be active and updating this topic.

bluetooth pic micro

Look for source code:
**broken link removed**

USB Devices
Quotation from ../linux/Documentation/usb/bluetooth.txt of kernel 2.4.5: "The USB Bluetooth driver supports any USB Bluetooth device. It currently works well with the Linux USB Bluetooth stack from Axis· (available at **broken link removed** ) and· has been rumored to work with other Linux USB Bluetooth stacks."

interface bluetooth to microcontroller

Bluetooth stack for Linux is easily available every where. In fact whole project of Mobile-PC BT Communication is available which uses diffrent BT stacks for Linux. But what we are searching is BT stack for Windows, by which we can develop small program to test dongle in C or VB. coz I think most of us are aware and familier of VB/C ,windows and not of Linux. and instead of westing time to tackle with Linux its better that use Windows compatible driver.
One more advantage for Windows stack is it will be easy to migrate the driver/stack from Windows to Embedded controller device.

So do you(or anyone) have any idea about free Bluetooth Stack or related codes for WINDOWS?

microcontroller bluetooth

niket_304 said:
One more advantage for Windows stack is it will be easy to migrate the driver/stack from Windows to Embedded controller device.

So do you(or anyone) have any idea about free Bluetooth Stack or related codes for WINDOWS?

I do not have any Win BT drivers and stack source ....
How migration from binary Windos BT stack is easier than using Linux sources ???

bluetooth dongle operational code mnemonics

This subject has gone a bit quiet for a while…

I am also interested in this topic and also not on an advanced enough level to know the complexity of DDS’s request.

I have purchased a USB Bluetooth Dongle in order to backup my source code from my Laptop to an old PC at home. These Bluetooth dongles are now cheaper than dirt. The manufacturer website is h**p:// and product is Star Key.

As I have recently progressed on the PIC and C learning path and moved from flashing lights and reading switches to getting RS232 to work, I was looking for the next natural progression down the path – wireless! I have ordered some low power data transceivers manufactured by radiometrics to experiment with initially, however this Bluetooth dongle changed matters.

I have search up to the last page on Google and I found many Bluetooth to RS232/USB devices from: Sparkfun, Blueradios, Mulitech, BlueSMiRF, BlueSy and even a Toothpick!

Hundreds of RS232 to Bluetooth dongles and RS232 cable replacement devices, but they are so expensive.

I know from this thread that the device driver/api layer might be the biggest problem.

I would like to do the following experiment when I get some time:

Establish simple serial communications between two PC’s running either Linux or Windows using Bluetooth as the communications layer. By this I mean setup the USB and Bluetooth drivers on each PC, pair the systems and enable a Serial Port Profile for each and then use Hyperterminal or sterm/xterm (whatever works on Linux) with a USB sniffer to have a look at the messages. Then see if I could replace the PC on one end with a USB PIC to emulate the PC over the Bluetooth serial communications link. The idea is to only look at the Serial Communications Part of the Bluetooth stack and not the complete Bluetooth implementation.

Is this even worth attempting?


usb bluetooth dongle connect to pic microchip

hai all

this is quite a good topic
what will be range of these 10$ usb dongles?
i think this will work well at open space
but when it comes to the indoor applications,the range will reduce to the room size or a little more.
when we are concidering rf transmission,this attonation will be the main problem.
what could be the solution for this?

thanking you


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