Intelligent Light Controller via Bluetooth

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Newbie level 4
Jan 19, 2012
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The aim of my project is to develop a model of an intelligent system for remotely adjusting lighting conditions of electronic appliances via Bluetooth. The working principle is as follows. The intelligent light controller detects the surrounding lighting condition using a built-in light sensor inside the control device. Then it sends a signal to the lighting appliance to adjust its brightness as preset by the user. The Bluetooth device serves as a communicating interface between the lighting appliance and the controlling device. A software program will be developed (in C++, Matlab or Visual Basic) to simulate the light appliance in order to test the functionality of the Bluetooth application. When the control device is inactive for 5 minutes, the lights will be automatically switched off. Therefore, this intelligent light controller contributes to the convenience of users, especially for the disabled and the elderlies in their daily life.

I would like to know how this can be implemented and how would i go about interfacing the light sensors at the input and LED light at the output with the use of microcontroller. It would be nice if someone can help.

Can you please let us know which light sensor and micrcontroller are you planning to use ? Bluetooth modules can be interfaced with microcontroller with either UART/ I2C/ SPI. Hence if you can give device details we can attempt to answer..


Thanks for your reply. For the time being, I planned to use the orangutan svp-1284 microcontroller and to program it using C programming language. However, i'm still quite lost on how to interface this controller with the bluetooth and the light in order to adjust the brightness. Do you have any recommendations on which light sensor to be used and is there any suggestions on what techniques should be used to proceed? Thank you.

Please see the following link for Bluetooth Module Interfacing to Microcontroller
**broken link removed**

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