
Hi. i'm designing some kind of touch key with lora antenna and ttp223 touch ics. the problem is that when i start to transmit or touching one of the touchpads , other ttp223 ics start to false detect. i read the lora ra01datasheet and i found out that the lora ra01 consume about 120mA of current when transmitting. is it my false detection because of this 120mA? and when i measure the voltage on lora ra01 with my multimeter, the ics start to act normal and doesnt detect false touch. maybe there is a huge capacitor in my multimeter?my design is attached, thanks for your time. Lora antenna is on bottom layer and touchpad and touch ic is on top layer. i tried to add 470uF and 680uF on vcc pin of lora ra01 but still same result.