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Incorrect reading of Dallas iButton(DS1990A) serial number

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Newbie level 2
Newbie level 2
Apr 30, 2011
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South Africa
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Hi every1

Im trying to program a dallas key reader to read the 64 bit serial number of a DS1990A Dallas iButton. Im using MikroC and a PIC16F690.
For testing purposes im using an led which should turn on when the Dallas key is detected.This is working correctly, but the serial number that is being read is incorrect.

i declared the serial number of the key/iButton that i have as array and i compared it to the serial number being read via the 1 wire protocol, if they are the same, then a message "authorized" should be displayed on the lcd.(which is not the case)

i have followed Microchip's app note AN1199.

I initially assigned the "serial_number" variable to all 0's(see demowire.c).This is the variable that the serial number being read via the 1wire protocol is stored in. I then compared this variable to "key1"(initially assigned to the actual iButton serial no.) The 2 values were not equal which lead me to believe that the serial number being read via the 1 wire protocol was incorrect.

I have now changed "key1" to all 1's and when compared to "serial_number", the variables are equal. I'm not sure why the the serial number being read via 1wire is all 1's.

My code is posted below.If anyone has had a similar problem or has an idea on why this is happening, please let me know.
Thanx guys:smile:

//                 1-WIRE COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL                              //
// demowire.c                                                                 //

//============================== Includes ====================================//
//#include <p18f4580.h>
#include "Config.h"
#include "1wire.h"

//========================= Generic Definitions ==============================//

//#define BAUD_CONTROL                  00
// Command to read the 64-bit serial number from 1-wire slave device.
//#define READ_COMMAND_DS1990A         0x33

//============================= Variables ====================================//

// LCD module connections
sbit LCD_RS at RC0_bit;
sbit LCD_RD at RC3_bit;
sbit LCD_EN at RC1_bit;
sbit LCD_D4 at RC4_bit;
sbit LCD_D5 at RC5_bit;
sbit LCD_D6 at RC6_bit;
sbit LCD_D7 at RC7_bit;

sbit LCD_RS_Direction at TRISC0_bit;
sbit LCD_RD_Direction at TRISC3_bit;
sbit LCD_EN_Direction at TRISC1_bit;
sbit LCD_D4_Direction at TRISC4_bit;
sbit LCD_D5_Direction at TRISC5_bit;
sbit LCD_D6_Direction at TRISC6_bit;
sbit LCD_D7_Direction at TRISC7_bit;
// End LCD module connections

char txt1[] = "Authorized";
char txt2[] = "Unauthorized";
char txt3[] = "Scan Dallas Key";

//dummy keys
//const unsigned char key1[8]={0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};  //all 0's
const unsigned char key1[8]={0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF};    //all 1's
//const unsigned char key1[8]={0x01,0x6B,0xAE,0x2A,0x0F,0x00,0x00,0xA3};  //serial number of iButton

unsigned char serial_number[8]={0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
unsigned char temp,g;
//============================= Prototypes ===================================//

void CompareKey();
unsigned char Detect_Slave_Device();
//========================== Interrupt Vectors ===============================//
/*#pragma code high_vector=0x08
void interrupt_at_high_vector(void)
   _asm goto high_isr _endasm
#pragma code

#pragma code low_vector=0x18
void interrupt_at_low_vector(void)
   _asm goto low_isr _endasm
#pragma code

// Function:        void high_isr(void)
// PreCondition:    None
// Input:           None
// Output:          None
// Side Effects:    None
// Overview:        None
/*#pragma interrupt high_isr
void high_isr(void)

// Function:        void low_isr(void)
// PreCondition:    None
// Input:           None
// Output:          None
// Side Effects:    None
// Overview:        None
/*#pragma interruptlow low_isr
void low_isr(void)
#pragma code

// Function:        Main Function.
// PreCondition:    None
// Input:           None
// Output:          None
// Overview:        1-Wire protocol develop for DS1990A

void main(void)

   ANSEL  = 0;                        // Configure AN pins as digital I/O
   ANSELH = 0;
   C1ON_bit = 0;                      // Disable comparators
   C2ON_bit = 0;


   Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR);               // Clear display
   Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF);          // Cursor off

     if (!Detect_Slave_Device())                            // Is slave present???


        OW_write_byte (0x33);                // Send a command to read a serial number

        for(temp = 0; temp<8; temp++)
         serial_number[temp] = OW_read_byte();             // Read 64-bit registration (48-bit serial number) number from 1-wire Slave Device




//================================ END OF MAIN ===============================//

// Function:        unsigned char Detect_Slave_Device(void)
// PreCondition:    None
// Input:           None
// Output:          1 - Not Present   0 - Present
// Overview:        To check the presence of slave device.

unsigned char Detect_Slave_Device(void)
        if (!OW_reset_pulse())
            return HIGH;
            return LOW;

// Function:        unsigned char Comparekey(void)
// PreCondition:    None
// Input:           None
// Output:          1 - Not Present   0 - Present
// Overview:        To check the presence of slave device.

//CompareKey- Compares scanned Dallas key serial number to pre-defined keys
void CompareKey(void)


   if ((serial_number[0] == key1[0]) && (serial_number[1] == key1[1]) &&(serial_number[2] == key1[2])&&(serial_number[3] == key1[3]) &&(serial_number[4] == key1[4]) &&(serial_number[5] == key1[5]) && (serial_number[6] == key1[6]) &&(serial_number[7] == key1[7]))
         Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR);               // Clear display
         Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF);          // Cursor off
        } while(1);
         Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR);               // Clear display

        }  while(1);
//============================ End of demowire.c ===================================//

//                 1-WIRE COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL                              //
// 1wire.c                                                                    //

//============================== Includes ====================================//
#include "Config.h"
#include "1wire.h"

//============================= Variables ====================================//

//unsigned char macro_delay;

// Function:        void drive_OW_low (void)
// PreCondition:    None
// Input:           None
// Output:          None
// Overview:        Configure the OW_PIN as Output and drive the OW_PIN LOW.
void drive_OW_low (void)

// Function:        void drive_OW_high (void)
// PreCondition:    None
// Input:            None
// Output:           None
// Overview:         Configure the OW_PIN as Output and drive the OW_PIN HIGH.

void drive_OW_high (void)
        OW_WRITE_PIN = HIGH;        

// Function:        unsigned char read_OW (void)
// PreCondition:    None
// Input:           None
// Output:          Return the status of OW pin.
// Overview:        Configure as Input pin and Read the status of OW_PIN
unsigned char read_OW (void)
        unsigned char read_data=0;
         OW_WRITE_PIN = INPUT;
         if (HIGH == OW_READ_PIN)
                 read_data = SET;
                read_data = CLEAR;
        return read_data;

// Function:        unsigned char OW_reset_pulse(void)
// PreCondition:    None
// Input:           None
// Output:          Return the Presense Pulse from the slave.
// Overview:        Initialization sequence start with reset pulse.
//                 This code generates reset sequence as per the protocol
unsigned char OW_reset_pulse(void)

        unsigned char presence_detect;
        drive_OW_low();                          // Drive the bus low
        Delay_us(480);                           // delay 480 microsecond (us)

        drive_OW_high ();                        // Release the bus
        Delay_us(70);                            // delay 70 microsecond (us)

        presence_detect = read_OW();            //Sample for presence pulse from slave
        Delay_us(410);                            // delay 410 microsecond (us)

        drive_OW_high ();                       // Release the bus
        return presence_detect;

// Function:       void OW_write_bit (unsigned char write_data)
// PreCondition:    None
// Input:          Write a bit to 1-wire slave device.
// Output:          None
// Overview:        This function used to transmit a single bit to slave device.

void OW_write_bit (unsigned char write_bit)
        if (write_bit)
                //writing a bit '1'
                Delay_us(6);                         // Drive the bus low
                                                     // delay 6 microsecond (us)
                drive_OW_high ();
                Delay_us(64);                       // Release the bus
                                                    // delay 64 microsecond (us)
                //writing a bit '0'
                drive_OW_low();                     // Drive the bus low
                Delay_us(60);                       // delay 60 microsecond (us)
                drive_OW_high (); 
                                                    // Release the bus
                                                    // delay 10 microsecond for recovery (us)

// Function:        unsigned char OW_read_bit (void)
// PreCondition:    None
// Input:           None
// Output:          Return the status of the OW PIN
// Overview:        This function used to read a single bit from the slave device.

unsigned char OW_read_bit (void)
        unsigned char read_data;                       //reading a bit
        drive_OW_low();                               // Drive the bus low
        Delay_us(6);                                  // delay 6 microsecond (us)

        drive_OW_high ();                             // Release the bus
        Delay_us(9);                                  // delay 9 microsecond (us)

        read_data = read_OW();                        //Read the status of OW_PIN
        Delay_us(55);                                 // delay 55 microsecond (us)

return read_data;

// Function:        void OW_write_byte (unsigned char write_data)
// PreCondition:    None
// Input:           Send byte to 1-wire slave device
// Output:          None
// Overview:        This function used to transmit a complete byte to slave device.
void OW_write_byte (unsigned char write_data)
        unsigned char i;
        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                OW_write_bit(write_data & 0x01);         //Sending LS-bit first
                write_data >>= 1;                       // shift the data byte for the next bit to send


// Function:        unsigned char OW_read_byte (void)
// PreCondition:    None
// Input:           None
// Output:          Return the read byte from slave device
// Overview:        This function used to read a complete byte from the slave device.

unsigned char OW_read_byte (void)
        unsigned char i, result=0;
        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
          result >>= 1;                // shift the result to get it ready for the next bit to receive
          if (OW_read_bit())
             result |= 0x80;            // if result is one, then set MS-bit

        return result;

//============================== End of 1wire.c ==============================//

// 1wire.h                                                                    //

#ifndef _1wire_H
#define _1wire_H

//==============================  Includes  ==================================//
//#include <p18f4580.h>

//============================= Prototypes ===================================//

void drive_one_wire_low (void);
void drive_one_wire_high (void);
unsigned char read__one_wire (void);
void OW_write_bit (unsigned char write_data);
unsigned char OW_read_bit (void);
unsigned char OW_reset_pulse(void);
void OW_write_byte (unsigned char write_data);
unsigned char OW_read_byte (void);


//=============================  End of 1wire.h  =============================//

// Config.h                                                                    //

#ifndef _Config_H
#define _Config_H

//========================= Generic Definitions ==============================//

#define        HIGH        1
#define        LOW         0
#define        OUTPUT      0
#define        INPUT       1
#define        SET         1
#define        CLEAR       0

//======================== 1-Wire Port Pin Definition ========================//
// This Configuration is required to make any PIC MicroController
// I/O pin as Open drain to drive 1-wire.

#define OW_PIN_DIRECTION         TRISB//7_bit
#define OW_WRITE_PIN             PORTB.RB7    //fOR pic 18f LATB.RB7
#define OW_READ_PIN              PORTB.RB7


//============================= End of Config.h  =============================//

Are you sure that you have a genuine DS1990A. The is a "grey" equivalent that is manufactured in Eastern Europe that does not conform to the Dallas timing standards

how would i be able to verify that it is genuine? The key has "" on the face along with the serial number and the 1-Wire® trademark.

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