i want to make a movable robot arm using solar panel.

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Newbie level 3
Mar 20, 2009
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i want to make a movable robot arm using solar panel. the equipments that i want to use is solar panel,solar power tracker,buck-boost circuit, circuit for recharging, rechargeable battery. the output is arm robot, light,web camera and 2 dc motor. and it will control and monitor using controller. can you help me

Simplest way to control a robot arm is with some microcontroller (board). For the web-camera, is this some wireless camera that will sent images to your PC? In that case, no problem, the microcontroller can take care of the control of all mechanical and electrical functions of the robot (charge control, robot arm positioning, ...). It can also communicate with your PC through a RS232 or USB-interface.

If you are new to microcontrollers, and wants to get started quick, you can buy some microcontroller board which comes with tutorials and has most functionality on board that you need for your robot arm. One board very well suited for you goal would be e.g. a **broken link removed** as it has motordrivers, servo-connectors, USB/serial communication and analog inputs on board. For the software-side, some nice tutorials can be found on the site.

do u know about AMPIPITY..my friend said that is a circuit that will punction to charging and at the same time it will transmitt the source to the load..is that ok to my project?

Sorry, I never heart of this. Even google does not know the word "AMPIPITY". Are you sure that it is correctly spelled? And what is it meant to do? From your explanation, I understand that it is some charging control circuit?

Maybe it helps if you tell something about the goal of this project? Do you want to build a construction with these 2 DC-motors keeping a solar-panel oriented at the sun, or do you want to make a battery powered mobile robot that can be recharged with some solar panel?

-for this project, rechargeable battery will function as source for my load (2 DC power window motor, arm robot, web cam and lighting(maybe LED))..

-this rechargeable battery will connect to solar circuit..

-and the main source for this project is solar panel that oriented at the sun..

1st diagram shown about my original idea and 2nd shown using the circuit that i call ampipity..and i thing this circuit called maximum power transfer..

So you are looking for the circuit that can be used for the block "circuit" in the schematic at the right, i.e. a charge controlling circuit?

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