i need help for pic 16f877 about sine generator

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Member level 1
Sep 25, 2006
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sine generator

i have a project
i have to produce 3 sin wave with phase 120 difference bu using 16f877.
the frequency of this sin wave must be adjustable between 2-110 hz
i used a potentiometer to adjust the frequency and 3 ADC to acquire output voltage
and finally i confirm the project
but i wonder that
is there another way to confirm my project???
plz help me

generate sine with pic

Seems like a Induction motor V/F control to me. Please clarify what you exactly need and how much you have already done. If you are asking for readymade code to just copy/paste then sorry I don't have anything to share publicly. If you are stuck somewhere then I would try to help. But need to know what is this confirming of the project.


sine generation using pic 16f877a


It is very easy to generate 3 sine waves with with phase 120 difference and adjustable frequency between 2-110 Hertz by using DDS (Direct Digital Synthesis)

sine generator, pic project

use pwm modulation
read a book for power electronics inverter
the tome base trifasic is esasy if you desing a secuential machine by digital thencincs and adpater te equivalent hardware to microprocesor hardware if this is complex for you used tree ic xr 8038 (exar company) and sincronize used you uP.
pic or atmel by example.

pic16f877 sine

The '877 has only two PWM channels, and trying to get reasonable PWM resolution in software is not trivial.

I have a similar project insofar as the variable frequency sine wave. I used a scaler added to a 24 bit sum, the most significant byte of which was used to fetch a value fro a lookup table. That value is then fed to an output port which has an external DAC. The software then loops.

In your case, since you want to maintain alignment between three output phases, only one sum is necessary. When using the top byte, you should limit it to the range of 0-239 to make the arithmetic simpler- unless you can stand 0.7 degree error.

16f877 dac output voltage

hi all,
please can you give a basic C code(MIKRO C) for pic16f877a, that would generate a sine PWM. and if possible, a brief explanation of how to change the output frquency would be appreciated as well.
N.B, i am relatively new to microcontroller, please be patient with me. thanks in advance.

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