I lost the interview because of this question?

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Advanced Member level 3
Nov 10, 2001
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1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC 20500
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What interests you in the aerospace systems engineering career field?

Looks like my answer "aerospace systems engineer is where I see my future career" was not the right one. why?

How would you answer this question?

Because you didn't answer their question. You just reformulated their question in form of answer. I am sure that they are not looking for politician to be in position of systems engineer. If you applied for position of public liaison officer that answer would be perfect.

I agree with Sinisa. You should have explained why or what made you choose
to go in to the Aerospace S.E. field. Explain the interest or passion you have
for that field. From your answer it seems (or one can conclude) you just got in
to that field to get a good pay check.?

i agree...

They already know that you are interested in this domain, they didn't ask you 'how much are you interested in aerospace S.E?" .. They needed to know why are you interested in aerospace S.E!

Sinisa how would you answer this question yourself?
Thank you

Just answer the standard "aerospace systems engineer is an interest of mine. working in that field will give me chance to expand my capabilities, learn more from cases, and able to interact with other expert from your company. This is an excellent opportunity for me."

"Actually I'm interested in aerospace instrumentation system, my background and lab jobs experience has conduct me to become familiar with that specific field".

The sentence shows that you are molded by default in that specific region...it is a question of strength. If your answer is not what they expected, they will ask "But if we hire you, you will be placed in other field beside instrumentation. Can you accept this?". You should answer "I would be fascinating to accept it because I will acquire new experience and knowledge". Show them that you like to learn.

What interests you in the aerospace systems engineering career field?

Looks like my answer "aerospace systems engineer is where I see my future career" was not the right one. why?

How would you answer this question?

"THEY wanted u to tell them wht r the different things in the field of aerospace systems engineering dat ur mostly interested in...............not which field of engineering u would wish to be IN.................

aerospace engineer is where i see my future career. Right from my college days, I have always been interested in the systems side of aerospace engineering. For example, I subscribe to the aerospace systems journal. I was at one time intrigued by an article talking about the mix of AI and avionics. Have you read an article like that?
In addition, my work experience has been related to this field. For example, I had a job in which I had to build a systems simulator for a commercial plane.
I know there are other companies out there who do similar work. but yours intrigue me - you just came up with a new design solution that is beating the competition.

and on and on ...it is all about the bullshit!

yea the above person is absolutely right ............the person interviewing you jus checks ur confidence level...............IN CRUDE terms u can say they check how confidently the person can 'LIE'..............SO the next time u go for an interview when ur asked a twisted QUESTION ...........TAKE SOME TIME TO THINK AND DEN ANSWER..........DONT RUSH FOR IT...............take care ...........BEST OF LUCK!!!

What do u mean that they check how confidently the person can 'LIE'??

there are different types of interviews - you have got the behavioral type, technical type, case studies .....etc

generally, when it comes to technical interviews, no one cares if you can communicate or not. As long as you know how E=MC^2, you are set to go.
Behavioral on the other hand tends to check your communication ability. For some, your ability to be a leader. No one wants a leader without confidence. The question above seems to be a behavioral type question. You have to prove your ability to communicate clearly, while showing confidence.

we all know that few people say the truth during interviews, especially for behavioral type questions. So if you are making your reason, you might as well rehearse it, and put in some lies to make the interviewer convinced you want the job.

Remember - Convince the interviewer without being cocky!
if you are one of the do-not-lie types, show confidence in your truth.

HEY nohanag................I MEANT THT IF UR ASKED TRICKY , TWISTED AND some times non sensical questions...................LIKE THE QUESTION THE PERSON WAS ASKED...............U should know how to reply(LIE) in a confident WAY without lookin like a FOOL...............or giving the interviewer a chance to laugh or reject the person...........

hey joe

ahaa, u mean that we can lie in interview , but we have to looks Confident
But, sorry joe i am really confused abt this point , so the Question is...

Is it ethical being LIE in an interview ?? :S

I think the interviewer will know that i am lying

bah... don't worry about it mate. aerospace systems engineer is tough position unless you have 10 years experience in aerospace design engineering. since you probably have neither (based on the answer you gave in interview) then by NOT getting the job it is probably a good thing.

you just did yourself a favour!

so be happy and move on. stick to something you are good at, that you like, and you will be rewarded.


you must be careful while answering. You have to sell yourself so you should change yourself according to their needs.
So, be specific while answering.
good luck.

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