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i cant get pic 18f2550 work as HID

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Junior Member level 1
Junior Member level 1
Jun 10, 2009
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Hi every body

i m trying to blink some leds with pic 18f2550 using usb connection to my labtop

i have some problems

1- when i open vb2008 interface, it doesnt identify that usb is plugged untill i touch Vusb with my hand. i aready put 200nf capacitor to ground on Vusb. i is very strange.

2- when i send data to pic, i doesnt blink the leds. i revised vb code many times. and i revised my controller code also. i just cant find what is wrong.

plz help me. it driven me crazy. espicially when it needs my to provide a path to ground with my body on Vusb!!! :)

pic code

DEFINE OSC 48          

USBBufferSizeMax   con 8  ' maximum buffer size
USBBufferSizeTX    con 8  ' input 
USBBufferSizeRX    con 8  ' output

' the USB buffer...
USBBuffer        Var Byte[USBBufferSizeMax] 
USBBufferCount   Var Byte 

' ************************************************************
' * main program loop - remember, you must keep the USB      *
' * connection alive with a call to USBService every couple  *
' * of milliseconds or so...                                 *
' ************************************************************
usbinit ' initialise USB...
    USBBUFFER[0] = 0
    USBBUFFER[1] = "P"
    USBBUFFER[2] = "="
    USBBUFFER[3] = 15
    USBBUFFER[4] = "T"
   gosub DoUSBOut 
   gosub DoUSBIn
   portb = usbbuffer[3]
   goto ProgramStart  

' ************************************************************
' * receive data from the USB bus                            *
' ************************************************************
   USBBufferCount = USBBufferSizeRX              ' RX buffer size
   USBService                                    ' keep connection alive
   USBIn 1, USBBuffer, USBBufferCount, DoUSBIn   ' read data, if available
' ************************************************************
' * wait for USB interface to attach                         *
' ************************************************************
   USBBufferCount = USBBufferSizeTX              ' TX buffer size
   USBService                                    ' keep connection alive
   USBOut 1, USBBuffer, USBBufferCount, DoUSBOut ' if bus available, transmit data

vb code
Public Class frmUSB
    ' vendor and product IDs
    Private Const VendorID As Short = 4660    'Replace with your device's
    Private Const ProductID As Short = 1      'product and vendor IDs

    ' read and write buffers
    Private Const BufferInSize As Short = 8 'Size of the data buffer coming IN to the PC
    Private Const BufferOutSize As Short = 8    'Size of the data buffer going OUT from the PC
    Dim BufferIn(BufferInSize) As Byte          'Received data will be stored here - the first byte in the array is unused
    Dim BufferOut(BufferOutSize) As Byte    'Transmitted data is stored here - the first item in the array must be 0

    ' ****************************************************************
    ' when the form loads, connect to the HID controller - pass
    ' the form window handle so that you can receive notification
    ' events...
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        ' do not remove!
        Label2.Text = "Connected to HID"
    End Sub

    ' disconnect from the HID controller...
    Private Sub Form1_FormClosed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosedEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosed
    End Sub

    ' a HID device has been plugged in...
    Public Sub OnPlugged(ByVal pHandle As Integer)
        If hidGetVendorID(pHandle) = VendorID And hidGetProductID(pHandle) = ProductID Then
            ' ** YOUR CODE HERE **
            Label2.Text = " USB plugged"

        End If
    End Sub

    ' a HID device has been unplugged...
    Public Sub OnUnplugged(ByVal pHandle As Integer)
        If hidGetVendorID(pHandle) = VendorID And hidGetProductID(pHandle) = ProductID Then
            hidSetReadNotify(hidGetHandle(VendorID, ProductID), False)
            ' ** YOUR CODE HERE **
            Label2.Text = "USB unplugged"

        End If
    End Sub

    ' controller changed notification - called
    ' after ALL HID devices are plugged or unplugged
    Public Sub OnChanged()
        ' get the handle of the device we are interested in, then set
        ' its read notify flag to true - this ensures you get a read
        ' notification message when there is some data to read...
        Dim pHandle As Integer
        pHandle = hidGetHandle(VendorID, ProductID)
        hidSetReadNotify(hidGetHandle(VendorID, ProductID), True)
    End Sub

    ' on read event...
    Public Sub OnRead(ByVal pHandle As Integer)
        ' read the data (don't forget, pass the whole array)...
        If hidRead(pHandle, BufferIn(0)) Then
            ' ** YOUR CODE HERE **
            TextBox2.Text = Str$(BufferIn(3))
            Label2.Text = "Data recieved"
            ' first byte is the report ID, e.g. BufferIn(0)
            ' the other bytes are the data from the microcontroller...
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        BufferOut(0) = 0                    'first byte is always the report ID
        BufferOut(1) = Asc("P")             'first data item
        BufferOut(2) = Asc("=")             'second data item
        BufferOut(3) = Val(TextBox1.Text)   'third data item to be send ober usb
        BufferOut(4) = Asc("T")             'fourth data item
        'write the data, dont forget to send the whole array
        hidWriteEx(VendorID, ProductID, BufferOut(0))
        hidWriteEx(VendorID, ProductID, BufferOut(1))
        Label2.Text = "Data sent"

    End Sub
End Class

i found the solution for my problem.

LVP fuse was set to enable. setting LVP fuse to disable and also xinst to disable solved the problem.

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