Hyper Terminal Problem

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Advanced Member level 4
Jan 23, 2007
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hyperterminal echo

i have connected my mobile (sonyericsson k700i) to the serial port via a cable and i am using the Hyper Terminal to send commands to the mobile device (AT commands), but in alot of times the Hyper Terminal misses around i mean when type a letter like A it doesnot type it on the Hyper Terminal screen i thought the program was hanging out but i checked it and it doesnot hang out, so any one have experience with such a thing and do you recomend any softwares to access and deal with the serial port because the Hyper Terminal is not reliable ( at least for me ).
Thank you.
( my settings for the Hyper are
9600, 1 stop, no parity, hardware flow control.

hyper terminal echo

Hi mr_anderson. Hyper terminal types what receives in the serial port, not what you write on the keyboard. If you want this, try enabling the "local echo" (or something like this..) option. Its a pretty simple and reliable program (I think), so if you don't see it on the screen, probably you don't receive it in the port.

hyperterminal not working

hi t_maggot i know that the hyper terminal views what i receive from the serial port, but i mean it doesnot show the letters i am typing although it displays them some times, i understood what you mean i am not trying to perform a loopback test by sending (typing) a letter and then receive it i think this is what you mean by local echo my problem with the Hyper Terminal is that " in some times and i donot know why it doesnot accept the input from the key board and what ever i write to it the cursor stays in its place just blinking"
thank you.

hyperterminal echo on

If you don't see nothing suddenly , then I bet that for some reason you stop receiving the echo in the port. There is also small chances to have other problems, like a broken key on the keyboard, deficient serial port, or program crashed, but check first the most obvious.

I suggest you: enable the local echo (this is a menu option checkbox in the HT), then you will see everything you type on the screen. So if you see a character 1 time means that the HT has see it from the keyboard (and probably transmit it) but nothing received. If you see 2 characters appear (like 'aa' when you type 'a') this means that one extra 'a' has come in the serial port Rx pin. If with enabled the local echo you still don't see anything on the screen, then you have internal problem. If you want to be 100% sure that what you type is transmitted, check the serial port's Tx with a scope (or even a multimeter) when you press a key. Also important to double check the communication settings and the wiring!

keyboard not working in hyperterminal

I agreed with t_maggot.
Hyperterminal is one of the most reliable program in my view.

typing in hyperterminal

t_maggot is right.

You must have to ON the ECHO.

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