Hunter fan electronic Id for a newbie

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I don't know the conductivity of the glue in PCB's, but I don't recommend to remove the glues or at the least we have to replace it with a proper glue or silicone sealant. The whole circuit is inside a fan and the components & wire connections will be disturbed with the vibration. So don't remove the glues. It will create problem for long run.


Hello Udhay,

You obviously never read the link I provided in my original post. Here it is again:

Glue Removal Recommendation

Another member disputed my claims as well, so can you please read the entire thread to understand
why that glue MUST be removed.

As for vibrations, then according to you, every single component should be glued down, especially
since wire connections and component pigtails are at risk?
I admit that "SOME" components require glue due to excessive vibrations, but the main purpose for the
glue is to hold the components down during the solder bath process at manufacture.
The latest glues do not suffer this problem, as manufacturers became aware of the eventual conductiivity
of the adhesives due to heat and age. The old types of glue they used were also corroding the component
legs as well.
Do you notice in all of the latest gear that they use white glue, to which I suspect, is silicon, but a
non-corrosive type. As there are some silicon sealants that can corrode metal.

Did anyone by chance confirm what diode I need?

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