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How to write SKILL code to produce a layout ?

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Junior Member level 2
Junior Member level 2
Mar 13, 2005
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Hi all,

Do you know any SKILL functions that can produce a layout from a given simple schematic?

Really appreciated for your help.

asktech said:
Do you know any SKILL functions that can produce a layout from a given simple schematic?


it's not so simple. if you want to draw any layout it's almost impossible.

i used ROD functions. you can find it in the Cadence documentation. I did it once, but it's very helpful, cause it can be used in any technology and i also fully reconfigurable.

for example:



ROD stands for Relative Object Design. I looked into that function, but not really sure if it could be used in this case.

asktech said:
ROD stands for Relative Object Design. I looked into that function, but not really sure if it could be used in this case.

you won't find one function, which will draw the layout. you have to write some kind of script using ROD functions to achieve the result.

you can use Layout XL instead of it. it'll draw transistors and your work is to match them using metal paths


If you are very good in scripting, Just learn skill that enough. No need to go for XL, Unncessarily it will add amount. Believe me i written a script in skill which does auto floorplan and it give good floorplan compared to XL. This script will take spice file as input. But i cant send you that script because its confidential. But if you try you can do that one.

shiva4u said:
If you are very good in scripting, Just learn skill that enough. No need to go for XL, Unncessarily it will add amount. Believe me i written a script in skill which does auto floorplan and it give good floorplan compared to XL.

it's very interesting what you wrote. can this script floorplan also analog layouts?
does it also do metal connections? and what about retargetting to another technology?

what floorplaning algoritms did you use? could you give some links or articles?

i hope you can share this info with me :)



I didnt refer any algorithms.
Yup, This script works for analog layouts only.
This does only floorplan not efficient but i think its more than XL.
If you give spice netlist input then it will generate the floorplan using pcells.
No, I didnt refer any algorithm, This is all practical thinking.
I written this script keeping in view an schematic. I need to improve this a lot. Actually i dont have skill code for generating matching pair. If i can write this code then i can able to generate even very good floorplan.
Just start in writing the script you can able to get the ideas. See every body can write the script, thats not a big deal.

HEHE!! What he meant is placement of transistors .. not floorplan.. There is no algorithm for floorplan yet and even if you write one would not work in analog..

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