How to write bin file for EEPROM initialization for Proteus7

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Full Member level 5
Sep 29, 2005
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Cebu, Philippines
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eeprom initialization

Hello Evrybody,

Does anybody know how to write binary file to be loaded to a microntroller for EEPROM initialization using proteus VSM?


eeprom and proteus use a hex file

On the property(edit component) you can find initial contents of memory selection.

See the pictures below:

Select the binary file simply by browsing it:


eeprom binary file

Hello Nomad13,
That was quick. I mean I don't know how to create binary file from my EEPROM values. I tried to export a EEPROM contents of MPLAB but the output file is a hex fille.

I appreacite very much you help.


proteus eeprom bin

You can use the Intel HEX to BINARY File Converter Utility


This utility program creates a BINARY file from an Intel HEX file. You can use BINARY files with most EPROM programmers and you can easily use them for CRC or checksum calculations. Options for this utility program are listed below:

Syntax: HEX2BIN [/option] hexfile [binfile]

hexfile is the Intel HEX input file
binfile is the binary file to create

option may be any of the following

/Ln Binary file length
/Pn Pad data for binary file
/On Address offset (to add to HEX records)
/M Merge data into existing BIN file
/Q Quiet mode (no statistics are displayed)
/X Don't process ext. segment/linear address records

/? This help text

converter arquivo bin de eeprom para texto

you can also create a simple text file "noname.txt" write some ASCII and rename to "noname.bin" proteus will load the ascii in the eeprom easily... you could also search for an hex-editor like ultraview or free hex editor...

don't forget, after changin the EEprom file in the pic or the external eeprom, JUST DON'T FORGET to "Reset Model Persistent Data" to make effect the bin file... I have suffered very much before learning that isue....
link given by svicent is shifted to,

This thread is a somewhat old, but I've just faced the same problem when simulating an ATmega8 and solved it this how:
Once you have the compiler generate the .eep file with the eeprom contents, run the following inside the directory where all the stuff is located:
avr-objcopy -I ihex -O binary <EEPROMFileGeneratedByCompiler>.eep <YourNewBinFileForProteus>.bin
Then you'll be able to load the file in Proteus and get your EEPROM stuffed . As mentioned elsewhere, don't forget to check "Reset Persistent Model Data" in the "Debug" menu.


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