How to use T flip flops in vdhl to simulate LED's blinking on/off

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Newbie level 1
Oct 23, 2017
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I am new to vhdl, I would like to modify this code to simulate 4 led's that the following:

0 = on
x = off

clock 1: 0000
clock 2: 000x
clock 3: 00xx
clock 4: 0xxx
clock 5: xxxx
clock 6: xxx0
clock 7: xx00
clock 8: x000
clock 9: loops the code back to what clock 1 is like.

This is what I have so far as far as code:

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity state_T is


        clock : in  std_logic;
        reset : in  std_logic;
        o     : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0)


end state_T;

architecture arch of state_T is

    component T_ff

        port (

            clk   : in     std_logic;
            clear : in     std_logic;
            T     : in     std_logic;
            Q     : out    std_logic;
            Qbar  : out    std_logic


    end component;

    signal T3, T2, T1, T0, Q3, Q2, Q1, Q0, Q3bar, Q2bar, Q1bar, Q0bar: std_logic;


	 s3 : T_ff port map (

            clk   => clock,
            clear => reset,
            T     => T3,
            Q     => Q3,
            Qbar  => Q3bar

        s2 : T_ff port map (

            clk   => clock,
            clear => reset,
            T     => T2,
            Q     => Q2,
            Qbar  => Q2bar


        s1 : T_ff port map (

            clk   => clock,
            clear => reset,
            T     => T1,
            Q     => Q1,
            Qbar  => Q1bar


        s0 : T_ff port map (

            clk   => clock,
            clear => reset,
            T     => T0,
            Q     => Q0,
            Qbar  => Q0bar

	T3 <= (Q3bar and Q2)    or (Q3 and Q2bar);
        T2 <= (Q2bar and Q1)    or (Q2 and Q1bar);
        T1 <= (Q1bar and Q0)    or (Q1 and Q0bar);
        T0 <= (Q2bar and Q0bar) or (Q2 and Q0);
	O(3) <= Q3;
        O(2) <= Q2;
        O(1) <= Q1;
        O(0) <= Q0;

end arch;

any help would be great, maybe someone here could point me in the right direction.

Re: how to use T flip flops in vdhl to simulate LED's blinking on/off


I don't have an answer for you, but I recommend to use:
0 = off
1 = on
Because x = don't care.

How I'd solve it:

Pseudo code:
If (Q0...Q3 = 0000) OR (Q0...Q3 = 1111) then toggle Q0
Q1 = Q0
Q2 = Q1
Q3 = Q2


Re: how to use T flip flops in vdhl to simulate LED's blinking on/off

tip #1: use d flip-flops
tip #2: build an FSM

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