How to translate any DK libraries from CDBA to OA? (IC package 6.10)

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Member level 3
May 13, 2004
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I have 2 questions.
1) Is there anybody who used this software package?
2) Is there anybody who translate any DK libraries from CDBA to OA? (script: cdb2oa)
Give please any relevant (HOW TO USE) information.

cdb2oa command

By the time I learnt the answer for my second question. Thus I am waiting for the reply to the first one if any.

And maybe anybody know where can I read something on Design Flow in IC6.10.
Which features should be used (licensed)?

ic 6.10

Hi, ed2000
Would u pls tell me how to translate from cdb to oa by using cdb2oa command? I had a library and added it into Library Manager, it was OK but when I opened schematic or layout or symbol there was a warning:

*WARNING* ddMapGetFileViewType: You are trying to run an OA executable on a CDB library file 'layout.cdb'. The file is in library 'lab1' in cell 'nmos' in view 'layout'. Use cdb2oa to convert your data from CDB to OA and then try again.

*WARNING* ddsServOpen: Unable to find view type for lab1/nmos/layout/layout.cdb


oa executable cdb cadence

Just start Cadence IC from any other location.
Then attach your CDBA lib and perform translation.
Restart IC6 and attach the translated file.

For translation you can use either:
command line cdb2oa utility or
GUI from icfb menu.

Good luck

Re: IC package 6.10

Also in cdb2oa conversion, we should firstly convert the tech file and then the library attached to that tech file, all this in separate

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