How to to filter a specific frequency using L & C ?

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Junior Member level 2
Jul 2, 2007
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how i can filter a special frequency? by using L & C and then i want to modulate it with other frequency?plz

Re: communication

What do you mean by a special frequency..??????

Re: communication

you arrange the L and C in parallell and put it in the output of your circuit.... this combination will only allow a signal of frequency 1/2Π(√LC) to pass through....

what type of modulation are you planning to use....

Re: communication

A.Anand Srinivasan said:
you arrange the L and C in parallell and put it in the output of your circuit.... this combination will only allow a signal of frequency 1/2Π(√LC) to pass through....

what type of modulation are you planning to use....

But here you need to consider the quality of the filter which plays a crucial role .

Re: communication

then you can go for active notch filter... they are generally high Q filters...
the Q of a filters decides how narrow banded the filters frequency response is....

Re: communication

Notch filter isolates a particular frequency .....

So do you mean to allow other frequencies except your specific frequency...

Re: communication

it depends on which path you connect the output of the filter... if you ground the LC circuit part then it rejects that frequency and if you connect it to your required output then it passes that frequency to your required terminal...

Re: communication

Hello All,

depending on the selectivity you want, but you can simply use in parallel to your circuit output a serial L and C (f=1/(2Π√(LC)).That should ground your specific frequency.
What is your working frequency band?


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