How to startup Windows XP faster?

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Re: xp slow startup

Try to use something like STARTER from CodeStuff ..

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Re: xp slow startup

Thank You

Re: xp slow startup

It is because of 4 reasons:
1- old windows
2- Anti Viruses
3- A bad installed program or an unnecassary program
4- low disk space in your windows drive

for the first one try regclean (Find it in web) or repair your windows
for the second one change your anti virus
for the third one go to Run and type msconfig then go to the last tab and recheck the unnecassary programs
for the low space you shoud have at least 1 GB free in your windows Drive

It is rarely because of a bad installed program, If you feel this problem after installing a specific program try to remove and reinstall it.

In some situations, a bad restart can make this problem. make sure your hard disk is not damaged. Try Disk Doctor or a similar program.

Have Fun

Re: xp slow startup

u can remove some programes which load in the start up of the windows

Re: xp slow startup

Dear You Can First Run Defrag prog from Accerories.
Install some good antivirus.
Increas you ram up to 512MB

Re: xp slow startup

Go and grab a program from Microsoft called bootvis. Here is the link: **broken link removed**

The program will measure your startup time and give you a breakdown of what its doing in that time. You can use the report to determine what is making the machine take so long to boot.

If you can't make sense of the report, post it online so somebody who knows how to interpret the report can make sense of it and make further recommendations based on it. (Someone like me )

xp slow startup

My new XP machine has two gigabit ethernet ports, but I was using only one of them. Windows took a long time to boot, and many common Windows operations suffered delays of several seconds. I disabled the unused ethernet port in Device Manager, and Windows immediately became snappy and fast.

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