how to start with ASIC design ?

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Full Member level 4
Oct 6, 2002
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Hi all ,
I can use L-edit in the uni. but I don't know how to start ?
If you have training materials or links to get starting with asic design that will be appreciated

Layout is not an important thing for learning ASIC design. For ASIC design, I think you should first learn some digital circuit design knlowledge, like Rabaey's book, which you can find it in Berkerley's website. Then you got to learn how to write VHDL or verilog and how to do synthesis.

I am not speaking about FPGA applications , for FPGA applications there is no problems for me , I have done many projects with VHDL and working correctly .. But I don't know any thing about ASIC Design , which needs tools like Ledit, Tunner ,...

When you mention ASIC design, it refes to the development stages involved in taping out the chip. Where digital is concerned, it involves synthesis process that tranforms your VHDL codes into gate netlist of a target library. Then static timing analysis is done to inspect the perf. and bottlenecks of the system and critical paths. Modification to the VHDL models may become necessary if STA reports the system not meeting the desired perf. After that it would be advanced to the layout stage where physical designs are generated through SPR using the netlist produced through synthesis. The process is long... so ask if theres anything else you want to know.

what is the most recommended tool to make ASIC design using the
VHDL flow ; I mean If I wrote VHDL code and it's tested on FPGA and works correctly and I want to implement this core on a custom chip of my own design what tool should I use ?

If you are interested in 'ASIC' design and by that you mean the actual design flow of some digital chip, then you are not a newbie and should join a university course.

If you used the term 'ASIC' to mean IC design, then you have to figure out which direction you want to move into, RFIC, Analog, Digital, MEMS, Microwave etc.

For each of these you can find good references at university websites. especially Berkeley and Georgia tech.

You need some basics about transistor layer details and knowledge of digital electronics.The flow needs to be understood.U can use lasi,seadali tools available free for download from the web

Good link on analog and mixed signal tool

Availability of evaluation download tool SMASH for six months link:
**broken link removed**

I think you must read some ASIC books at first.
Then you can use some tools.

in fact, if you have finished the HDL design and finished all those FPGA testing and gate-level simulation (all these should be after synthesis). Then you can P&R tools to auto place and route.

If you want to learn how to design a layout, it is another problem. you shoudl know something about process, such as how a transistor is formed ( using the corresponding layers to draw a transistor) and so on. And you should use the guideline from the foundry.

The above is just a begining. If you want to design a high performance circuit, more should be involved.

I am digital IC designer. For my opion, the most important thing is the ability of codeing and architecture definition of one ASIC chip.
As for book, one book"verilog designer library" is a quite good one.
In IC design industry, verilog is more popular than VHDL.

Here many people are talking about going for HDl..even i agree that however i think its possible to design asic directly by CMOS design & layout

ram said:
Here many people are talking about going for HDl..even i agree that however i think its possible to design asic directly by CMOS design & layout

It is very complex to design ASIC directly CMOS. This method is useful, optimize performance if you are experience designer. Using HDL language is fast way to design ASIC.It take short time to product a chip.

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