How to simulate (Complex) quadrature signals in Cadence

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Newbie level 5
Sep 9, 2009
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Designing a complex (polyphase) filter. How can I simulate say ac analysis using complex signals in cadence virtuoso 6.1.4.


I don' think that simulation of such a device will be specific to a certain simulation program. Why do you expect problems?
Therefore, use two separate ac sources with 90 deg phase shift and let the program compute the combined output signal.

For simulation part we can consider to apply 2 ac sources with 90 phase shift. But how would I plot the output with image frequency. How will I see how much Image rejection I am getting.?

Megh said:
For simulation part we can consider to apply 2 ac sources with 90 phase shift. But how would I plot the output with image frequency. How will I see how much Image rejection I am getting.?

It's quite simple: Take the inverse phase shift (-90 deg instead of +90 deg) and calculate the ratio of both outputs.

To get the image (negative frequencies), you just have to inverse the Q input. This is originated from the fact that since the I signal is cosine, then it maintaines the sign. Though the Q signal which is sine, it gives a minus at negative frequencies. So to sum up, for the Q signal instead of 0degrees you have to put 180degrees.

@ laoud and LvW
Filter is giving out I and Q signals. Since I am doing AC simulation, I and Q itself (each)are complex. Now we are interested in frequency response of I+jQ as a whole from -ve freq to + freq. This will in general create assymmetric frequency response across 0 freq.
How do we do this frequency response analysis.

Dear ALL

How to apply two separate ac source in Hspice with 90 degree difference for simulation?

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