How to simulate a circuit using Spectre?

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Full Member level 3
Aug 4, 2004
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Using Spectre

I have no idea how to simulate a circuit with spectre. Is it similar to running the spice using a code rather than using a netlist from cadence or whatever? I can generate the netlist from Cadence (SpectreS). How can I use it for Spectre? what changes in formatting of model are needed? Please reply.

Re: Using Spectre

Where can I download the free of Spectre? I want to study this software. Thank you

Using Spectre

You can run spectre from Analog Artist by selecting the spectre (not spectreS) simulator.

Using Spectre

You can run Spectre in Cadence by interface, or use command 'spectre + your netlist ' to run it.

Re: Using Spectre

You should seach in the google to find a good learning for you question.

I must say, there are so many about it.

If you still can not find it, just tell me.

I will upload a tutorial for you!

Re: Using Spectre

Please post it and also i would like to know the format of model file for nmos and pmos (bsim3v31) such as spectre can understand. thanks

Using Spectre

u can do simulation from analog artist .take care about your tech file settings and library settings.since cadence is a very big tool with lot of issues to take care.


Re: Using Spectre

well, i ran spectreS becoz i could know how to set the modelsin the appropriate format correctly. similarly if you can post the model format example for spectre simulator. i know how to work with cadence but not with model formats....

Re: Using Spectre

could someone upload allmodels.scs (or tell us where to get it from say for TSMC technology) because spectre uses this for models. I couldn't generate it (though I should be able to) from the main menu. thanks.

Using Spectre

I think Spectre &SpectreS is the same.only the model type are difference.

Using Spectre

i think y d better use spectre and hspice together to do ur simulation. and the .meas is very useful

Using Spectre

You can run Spectre in Cadence by interface.

Re: Using Spectre

you can run hspice from cadence too with interface

Re: Using Spectre

Spectre is not a stand alone simulator. It ;s embedded in Cadence Analog Artist. It's better to do it with cadence

Re: Using Spectre

after your shcematic you should check for errors...if it no errors ..proceed ...
click on ADE ..some pop up will come ...from there you select simulator....after that load models........output to be selected .....analyses.......create netlist and run ................

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